F i v e

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May 4, 2012 - Late afternoon

"Please...I...We didn't take anything...Please!" I begged on the cold hard floor of the Malfoy Manor. Loki please help me please! LOKI!

"We'll see about that..." Bellatrix muttered lethally soft before she took her dagger and moved over to my arm. I was wondering what she was doing before she suddenly started drawing the knife across the skin of my arm. The pain was excruciating, a loud and agonizing scream pierced the room. I didn't even realize it was my own voice....

Hermione shot up out of her bed, the nightmare ending

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Hermione shot up out of her bed, the nightmare ending. She realized she had cool arms around her and she began to scream for a second before he spoke gently. "Shh, darling its just me...Its me Loki..." Hermione sobbed quietly as she felt him hold her. She could never understand why her nightmares never let up. Loki ran his hands through her hair, moving her so she was curled up on his lap. Hermione curled her fingers against the fabric of his shirt. She suddenly pulled back, looking at the simple dark green shirt he was wearing, she chuckled slightly.

Feeling the tears relax on their pursuit down her face, she says, "Why are you wearing Midgardian clothes?"

"Don't worry about it darling...You were just dreaming, I am here now..."

"I will always be here for you..."

Stirring from her slumber, a headache throbbing hard throughout her head. Her eyes finally opened, she was in a hospital room again. But this looked like a real hospital not just something in the Helicarrier. Hermione looked around as she rubbed her forehead, she felt really hot without Loki's arms around her. Hermione groaned uncomfortably and moved the blankets off of her. She was dressed in an American hospital gown, a wristband around her right wrist. Nobody was in the room at the moment, but she saw her wand and a note on a bedside table.

Hermione reached, grabbed the note, and began reading it.

Hermione giggled a bit, this must have been written by Natasha since Thor doesn't have girly handwriting

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Hermione giggled a bit, this must have been written by Natasha since Thor doesn't have girly handwriting. Hermione then began wondering why Loki in her dream was being so fond and sweet to her. Soon enough, the Avengers all barreled inside the hospital room, holding bags full of some kind of take out. Tony comes in first and lays a bag in my lap, "Here, kid, we got you some shawarma on the way back from the attack."

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