Prologue - Loki's Sacrifice

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"There is no dark hole, no realm, no crevice where he cannot find you..."

"Drop your wands, or we'll see just how filthy her blood really is..."

"Locked away as nothing more than a political pawn in Odin's games he called diplomacy. . ."

Lies. . .

The bond betwixt Hermione Granger and Loki Laufeyson was forged through time and tribulation, and tonight, it faced its greatest test. Loki knew that if he did not expunge her memories of him, she would forever be a target for those who sought to harm him. As much as it pained him, the fairest maiden he held dear would be subjected to unspeakable torment at the hands of the Mad Titan, Thanos.

Loki's affections for her were as clandestine as they were true, but Hermione's fierce devotion to her loved ones was no secret. If she knew of her past with Loki, she would stop at nought to protect him, making her all the more vulnerable to those who would exploit her unwavering loyalty.

Thus, with a heavy heart, Loki made the difficult decision to sever their bond, erasing the memories that bound them so closely. He did this not out of malice or contempt, but out of love and a desire to protect her from the dangers that came with his name.

As Heimdall, he could attest that the actions of Loki were not born of cowardice, but of selflessness and compassion. It is a sacrifice that will not soon be forgotten, even as the memory of their bond fades into obscurity.

Loki took a moment to glance around the room as he stood at the edge of Hermione's bed. Her bedroom was warm and inviting, with wooden floors and soft white walls. The large bed was covered in a fluffy duvet and flanked by two wooden nightstands, each topped with a lamp and a stack of books. He noticed a bookshelf lining one wall, overflowing with books and trinkets that Hermione had collected over the years.

The curtains over the large window were drawn, but the moonlight still filtered through, casting a soft glow over the room. Loki's eyes fell on a few scattered pillows and a throw blanket on the bed, which added to the cosy atmosphere. He could see a desk in the corner, cluttered with papers and quills, and a couple of framed photographs adorned the walls, depicting Hermione with her friends. A small potted plant on the windowsill caught his eye, adding a touch of life to the room.

Overall, the bedroom exuded a sense of comfort and familiarity, as if it were a haven for Hermione in a world that could be tumultuous and unpredictable. Loki knew he had to erase her memories, but for a brief moment, he allowed himself to take in the peaceful surroundings and the beauty of the woman before him.

"My dear firebird," Loki whispered, his voice choked with emotion as he gazed down at the woman he loved. She looked so peaceful, so innocent in her slumber. It was a cruel irony that the one person who had ever been able to tame his wild heart was the very one he now had to let go.

As Loki gazed down at Hermione, his heart ached with a mixture of love and pain. He had known her since they were children, and even then he had been drawn to her fierce intelligence and unwavering courage. Now, as he looked upon her sleeping form, he saw the same qualities that had captivated him all those years ago.

Her hair spilt out around her face like a halo, the chestnut curls a stark contrast to the softness of her features. Even in sleep, her face was animated, her brow furrowing slightly as if she were lost in a dream. Her lips were slightly parted, and as Loki watched, a soft sigh escaped her.

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