F i f t e e n

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Sometime in May 1993

Loki sat at Hermione's bedside in the hospital wing of Hogwarts. He was almost as stiff as she was by now. He was hunched over her, his head bowed, clutching her stone-like hand. He had an empty feeling settled in the pit of his stomach. Hermione had been petrified for what felt like years to him. It had only been around several days or so, but to Loki Odinson, it felt much longer. Loki's inky black hair was beginning to reach the nape of his neck, curling up slightly at the ends. His piercing green eyes were squeezed shut in a grimace, trying to remain focused on his prayers to the Norns for her safety. Anything to keep him distracted from her cold, lifeless body frozen beside him.

Entering the hospital wing were the loud footsteps of Thor, being led by Professor McGonagall who directed him inside with her finger before disappearing back down the hallway with the sound of her sharp footsteps. Thor came into the room swiftly, reaching Loki's side he slapped a hand on his back. Rudely ripped away from his prayers, Loki's piercing eyes flicked up to Thor over his shoulder. "Brother it is not wise to interrupt someone in prayer," Loki said in a low voice even though it was an empty threat.

Before Thor could respond, Madame Pomfrey came rushing out of her office with a relieved look on her face. The first batch of Petrification Antidotes was finally done. Loki stood up rushedly and moved both him and Thor out of the way. Madame Pomfrey didn't say a word as she moved over to Hermione's side and distributed the potion. Loki watched fixedly as the older woman managed to pour the thick brownish liquid into Hermione's slightly agape mouth.

When the potion was all gone, Hermione's body seemed to start twitching and returning to a state of awareness. The flush of red returned to her cheeks and her brown eyes no longer looked glazed over. Her nose twitched in the cute way Loki loved and her chest began to rise and fall once more. Thor and Loki's faces lit up when they saw their fierce little lion was okay. Loki began thanking the Norns and his mother and father for her safety and immediately launched himself at her. Wrapping her up in his arms he held her tightly, Pomfrey stood back and chuckled a bit before doting, "Now, now let her breath before you suffocate the poor girl!"

Hermione returned the gesture when she was finally conscious of what was going on around her. She smiled brightly and held onto Loki just as tight as he did, "What's all the fuss about Loki?" Her eyes then reopened and landed on Thor. His hair was already at his shoulders and was slightly more wavy than when they met last year. His beautiful sky blue eyes met hers and she smiled widely at seeing him as well. Her two closest friends outside of Harry and Ron. She reached her left arm out and Thor came up an wrapped an arm around her as well, letting hers wrap around him.

Madame Pomfrey shook her head before she spoke, "I'll let the Headmaster know you are alright to return to classes today once I administer to the others the antidote."

Hermione didn't even acknowledge what she said as she was too busy being hugged to death. When they finally pulled away from her, Loki explained, "Hermione, you've been petrified for a little less than a month. That creature managed to get to you but thankfully, you brilliant girl only saw it through this mirror." He directed her eyes to the mirror that had fallen from her grip and was on the bed beside her now. "I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you..."

Before he could finish blaming himself, Hermione put a finger to his lips to shut him up. "What's important is that I am alright and you are here now. You both are!" She hugged Loki tight again, squinting her eyes shut. She released him and then swung her legs over the side of the bed. She tested each limb before trying to stand. She then hugged Thor again, this time with both arms around him.

"I should probably go see Harry and Ron now, they must be worried sick." Hermione giggled out excitedly, happy to be awake and working her stiff muscles. She then poked both of them in the shoulder before running out of the room, calling back to them, "Catch me if you can!"

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