F o u r t e e n

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Sometime after Loki's fall from Asgard - Between 2011 and May 2012

Hanging from strong metal chains attached to each of his limbs, the food-deprived young Asgardian prince hung his head low. He was exhausted from sleep deprivation and extreme dehydration wasn't helping either. The large cavern he was being held prisoner in was claustrophobic even though it was large and spacious. A fire sat only feet from him, thick drops of sweat dripping down his body, the heat was suffocating to him. The few clothes that were left on his body were tattered and ripped, hanging in pieces off him. His deep green eyes were dark and sunken in, filled with a look despair and hopelessness. His long black hair was messy and dirty, filled with his sweat and some blood from a small gash on the back of his head. His chest heaved with each breath, his ribs easily seen with each inhale and exhale because of how thin he was now.

Loki could not stop clinging to his positive memories, desperately clutching to his hope so he didn't give into the monster that held him captive and tortured him every night. But it was becoming increasingly difficult, and he still hadn't figured out how to escape. Footsteps suddenly echoed throughout the cavern and out of reflex, he began to shake violently. The chains rattled with the shaking of his body and he mentally cursed them. His breathing and heartbeat began to race. A threatening chuckle echoed throughout the cavern as the footsteps grew closer.

"The Great Asgardian Prince, Loki Odinson! Or should I say Laufeyson..." The deep, gravelly voice mocked and Loki's chains stopped shaking. "Shaking before his enemy! And what is that I smell?" The large amethyst-skinned creature sniffed the air like a dog, making Loki internally chuckle. "FEAR?" A large fist came crashing into Loki's gut, punching him hard into the wall behind him. The chains strained with the movement, making Loki feel like his limbs might pop out. He cried out in surprise and pain. A deep ache inside him throbbed harshly, making his breathing speed up even faster now.

"Pathetic! You make me sick~...Cowering in these chains like a defenceless animal!" He leaned in close to Loki's face, his eerie blue eyes piercing into Loki's fearful green ones. "You just have to give in, it'll be so much easier." Loki managed to get rid of the fear in his gaze and replaced it with rage, the anger pushing his magic to drag knives across his insides to the point that the energy pierced through the cuffs that were supposed to block his magic. His fingers sparked with green shimmering energy, but it looked very weak. Loki managed to gather some blood from an internal injury into his mouth and spat in The Other's face.

The Other merely closed his eyes, leaned away from Loki to wipe the blood from his face with the back of his large hand. He opened his eyes and fury burned in them, he took the same hand he wiped the blood off with and backhanded Loki across the face. A loud cracking echoed in the cavern and Loki howled in agony as his nose was violently broken. Fresh blood began to spill down his lips, making him cough. "You will open your mind to me! Or you will give in before I succeed in breaking in~" The Other took out a strange dagger that had an unearthly red aura to it.

Loki's eyes widened in fear and he began struggling wildly with the restraints that bound him, sputtering for breath. The Other smirked as he picked up the dagger, the raw heat was pulsating from it and Loki swallowed hard as new sweat dripped down the back of his neck. The Other raised the blade and began to carve into Loki's skin, the sickening sound of sizzling flesh filled the air around them. Loki tried his best not to scream but felt fresh tears fall down his cheeks. His skin became blue and the symbols that were raised across his skin started to show as he tried to cope with the immense amount of heat and pain coursing through him. The Other then pushed the blade deeper into his flesh, twisting, and Loki screamed out in agony.


Present time in Asgard...

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