T w e n t y

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Iron Man had crashed her reception. Hermione had thought he was coming to exact revenge, but he hadn't. He had come to congratulate them and apologize for how he had reacted the last time they saw him. He had also gone absolutely overboard in wedding gifts, giving them some Iron Man merchandise. He had also gifted Hermione some appliances that were powered by remote energy stores based on Earth since Asgard didn't have electricity or outlets.

It had been three months since their wedding. Loki and Hermione were still deep into their honeymoon. He had taken her to Midgard, believing it to be the safest and most private place for them. She had also requested Midgard, wanting to go to some place warm and tropical. He had decided to take her to Fiji, and he had spared no expense. His queen deserved to be spoiled. They had just arrived back to their little island hut they had been staying at.

Hermione looked as if the sun had kissed every inch of her body. Her petite figure had gained more curves since their wedding, as she had been eating more and better. More freckles had popped up on her nose and cheeks and had darkened from the sun. A white, flowy sundress hugged her body lazily and in the most enchanting way. It accentuated the curve of her larger breast, the width of her hips, and stopped at the tops of her luscious thighs. Her chestnut hair had lightened a little, her curls wild and unruly from the ocean breeze.

Loki came up behind her as she was undressing in the bathroom. His cold, pale hands wrapped around each hip, squeezing them apprieciativley. He pressed his lips against a sweet spot on her neck and kissed it reverently. He pressed his body against the perfect curve of hers, humming in contentment.

She let out a soft moan of pleasure, "What?" Curiosity painted her voice as she met his beautiful, emerald green gaze in the mirror. His raven black hair was longer now, reaching the middle of his back. He had, of course, remained untouched by the sun, pale as can be still. He smelt of seafoam and coconuts from the all the pina coladas he had been drinking on their honeymoon.

"You are practically glowing, my darling..." His eyes glowed as he said this, "Just absolutely ravishing-" His voice grew raspy at the end as his fingers began to gather her dress up to her waist so he could feel her bare, soft skin against his. Her chocolate brown eyes warmed at his honeyed words as a bright smile grew on her face.

"Loki..." His name was a prayer that graced her lips--the sound precious to him. She tilted her head to the side, giving him better access to continue his worship. He continued peppering kisses up her necl, reaching her ear. He nipped at her earlobe and she sighed in delectation.

"Again? Loki, you're going to kill me with all this amazing sex—" She cut herself off when he caused her to moan in surprise as he had suddenly slipped his hand lower...touching her between the apex of her thighs. She became wet from his fondling, soft sighs and moans leaving her.

"Do you really want me to stop?" He abruptly dropped his hands, stopping his ministrations, and she nearly whined. He flashed his singature smirk at her in the mirror and flipped her around, Her arms automatically wrapped around his neck and kissed him with urgency. His lips were cold as usual and they felt amazing and they felt amazing in the warm temperature of the tropical climate they had been living in.

Hermione kissed him like he was her lifeline, passion she had rarely showed to anyone. But only for him, her husband and literal demigod. Her frost giant, her best friend. He kissed her back with just as much passion and enthusiasm. He slowly pushed her out into the bedroom. They broke apart as as the back of her knees hit the end of the bed. 

They made love late into the night, passing out around their fourth round. Hermione awoke around early morning, feeling sick to her stomach. Nausea overwhelmed her, the world tilted off its axis as she groggily rose from the bed. As soon as her feet touched the ground, her stomach flipped and she forced herself to sprint to the bathroom.

The Asgardian Prince and The Gryffindor Princess || Loki x Hermione Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now