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May 5, 2012 - Mid Afternoon on Asgard

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May 5, 2012 - Mid Afternoon on Asgard

Walking into the throne room, guards lining the area that led up to the throne. Hermione followed behind Thor as he strode confidently into the room, three guards holding Loki and leading him forward behind Hermione and Thor. Thor kneeled before the man sitting in the large golden throne. Odin stood and powerfully, slightly angrily stepped his staff against the ground. A woman was situated at the far left of Odin, his right. She was dressed in a gorgeous gold dress. She had her seemingly long golden blond hair tied up in a bun on the top of her head. Her eyes were a sad deep blue color, she also seemed to be very tall. As a matter of fact, the four or five other women in the room seemed to be as tall as the men. Strange. 

Three men stood to the very right of Odin, his left. One had a dark, dark brown hair color, that was pinned on the top of his head as well and dark brown eyes, dressed in similar attire as the guards. The man to his left had very light blond hair, lighter then Thor's. He had bright baby blue eyes, when his eyes fell upon Hermione he tilted his head curiously, a curious gleam in his eyes. The woman next to him had very dark hair, similar to the first man's hair. Her eyes were a dark green, beautiful and resembled the forest. Her eyes also fell upon Hermione and she cocked an eyebrow before suddenly, Odin began to speak.

"My son, you and your company may stand." Odin said powerfully, with the voice of a wise, elderly man. Hermione smiled warmly, seeing a lot of her past Headmaster Dumbledore  in this king.

"Greetings, Father, I have brought Loki back home, but for sentencing because of his doings on Midgard. But, I have also brought Hermione. I am sure you remember me telling you about her. Authority on Midgard has requested that Hermione stay here for the year to be a....representative for Midgard, the year is to see if it works out." Thor explained to his father with reverence in his tone.

"Ah yes. Director Fury of SHIELD. I accept their request, of course she may stay. Give her one of the best rooms here in the palace," Odin's eye gleamed with an idea obviously brewing in his mind, "Now, dealing with Loki, bring him forward and unsilence him." Odin commanded powerfully, the voice of authority coming out strong.

The guards that held Loki's restraints, reached forward, unmuzzling him. They then began to pull him forward. Stepping forward, Thor put a arm around Hermione and brought her back towards the woman dressed in all gold. She was smiling at her, Thor very quietly and quickly introduced Hermione to his mother. Frigga, such a beautiful name. Hermione thought after being introduced to Thor's mother and Queen of Asgard.

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