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Hermione stood at the dock, at Thor's side, who was at Odin's side

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Hermione stood at the dock, at Thor's side, who was at Odin's side. Night time on Asgard had always been beautiful but tonight it was a somber kind of beautiful. Everyone was gather along the docks and shores of the Eastern Sea. Not a cloud in the sky, the stars were as bright as could be. Hermione was in Asgardian funeral robes, her dress a deep dark green with black and gold trim, pooling at her feet. It was simple and hugged her curves in a fitted but comfortable way. It had a scoop neckline, that stopped at about the middle of her chest, not revealing at all. Hermione's dark brown eyes were misty with unshed tears. Steve and Harry were at each side of her, since Thor was more in front of them.

Hermione watched as Frigga's boat floated calmly up the dock, the whole kingdom watching and mourning in this sight. Hermione felt numb at this point, she still felt sad, but she didn't want to cry. Steve gently wrapped an arm around her shoulders and let her lean her head onto his shoulder.

That was it.

As soon as Steve gave her, literally, his shoulder to cry on~the tears wouldn't stop. The first one came out and then the rest came streaming down her cheeks. Hermione buried her face in Steve's shoulder, tears probably staining his shirt, thankfully he didn't mind. She felt Steve's hands on her back as he held her in a comforting manner. Another hand was placed on her back between her shoulder blades, and she turned her head and through the blurriness of her teary eyes, she could see messy black hair and a pair of glasses.

Hermione cried a bit harder, her eyes closing as she leaned into Steve. Accepting his comfort and Harry's comfort, she felt so much like she finally belonged somewhere. After years of feeling like she never belonged, even amongst Harry and Ron and their families, she never truly felt like she belonged. All the sudden, Loki came to mind...Did they even tell him about the death of his beloved mother? Hermione pulled herself from their arms, not realizing it was already the end of the ceremony and the people were all solemnly heading back to their homes. Hermione rushed over to Thor, who was still stood stock still, looking up at the sky where his mother's spirit had ascended to Valhalla, becoming a constellation.

Thor turned to her when he realized who it was, "Oh Lady Hermione, I am sorry that your stay has been stained by such tragedy..." He said sorrowfully before looking down at her and pulled Hermione against his side before Hermione could even react to his statement or being pulled to his side. Jane seemed to come up out of nowhere from wherever she had been.

"Uhm...Thor~...Whatcha doin there?" Jane asked, obvious jealousy and accusation in her voice as she cocked an eyebrow in Hermione's direction. Her hair billowing in the sea breeze from being so close to the coast line, her eyes wavering between Hermione and Thor.

Thor cast a look in her direction and didn't seem to recognize the jealousy, "Just embracing Lady Hermione...Is there something the matter?"

Jane's eyes narrowed before Hermione attempted to diffuse the situation by politely pulling out of Thor's embrace, "Jane, Thor and I have been very good friends since I was little. My heart has been captured by another, you mustn't worry about me taking Thor's..." Hermione then turned her gaze to Thor, "Has anyone told Loki about Frigga? I think it should be you or I that should tell him~" She paused when Thor looked a bit confused.

The Asgardian Prince and The Gryffindor Princess || Loki x Hermione Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now