E i g h t

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May 6, 2012 - 9 AM

"OW! By Merlin's Beard, what was that for?!" Hermione grumbled angrily in a shrill and tired voice as she sat up in her bed. Lady Sif from the day before stood at the foot of the bed, having thrown a pillow at Hermione to wake her up. Sif was dressed in her battle armor, her long dark hair down.

 Sif was dressed in her battle armor, her long dark hair down

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Sif threw a dark green with black and silver armor like dress, black thick leggings, and pair of dark green matching undergarments onto the bed in front of Hermione

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Sif threw a dark green with black and silver armor like dress, black thick leggings, and pair of dark green matching undergarments onto the bed in front of Hermione. "Change into these, and I'll have a servant bring you a tray for breakfast. Thor and I will return in an hour for you. Today, the Allfather requests that you learn the ways of being an Asgardian citizen."

Hermione huffed and nodded, "Alright, you didn't have to throw a pillow at me to wake me, you git!" Hermione sighed, laying back against the pillows before she practically heard  Sif roll her eyes at her before leaving the room, the doors shutting...

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Hermione huffed and nodded, "Alright, you didn't have to throw a pillow at me to wake me, you git!" Hermione sighed, laying back against the pillows before she practically heard  Sif roll her eyes at her before leaving the room, the doors shutting behind her. Hermione stretched her arms out above her head, closing her eyes, she yawned loudly. Hermione opened her eyes and crawled out of bed. She looked around and decided to have a quick shower. Hermione grabbed her wand off the bed side table, the clothes on her bed, and walked into the bathroom. Leaving the door slightly cracked, Hermione through a nice soft, fluffy black towel over the towel rack and stripped out of her nightgown.

When she was finished with her shower, combing out her hair the ole' muggle way, she heard the door behind her slightly creak open with the sound of someone's soft knock on the bathroom door. A young woman, looked no younger then sixteen, stood with her long almost white hair pulled in a braid. She was wearing royal servant wear, and had pretty little innocent icy blue eyes. She seemed to look frightened that she had opened the door on accident. Hermione was clad in only a towel, wrapped around her pale, slightly flushed body from the hot shower.

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