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May 7th, 2012 - 1 AM on Asgard - Early Evening on Midgard

May 7th, 2012 - 1 AM on Asgard - Early Evening on Midgard

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"You're late." Heimdallr said as he heard the footsteps of Thor echo to him from the Bifrost beneath their feet. Thor chuckled, his dark cloak billowing in the wind through the Bifrost Observation Dome. His long golden blonde hair swishing in the wind behind as well. He approached Heimdallr, Hermione was with him, underneath the cover of the Invisibility Cloak to see if Heimdallr was able to sense her presence or even see through the cloak.

"Merriment can sometimes be a heavier burden than battle." Thor replied, his voice low and filled with the undertones of longing as he slowed his gait, rounding Heimdallr from the side. Heimdallr stood still at the center console area of the Bifrost Dome. His hands rested atop the golden key sword of the Gate Keeper. His eyes never wavering from the gorgeous universe that was spread before him in the sky.

"Then you are doing one of them incorrectly." Heimdallr spoke before he commented and said slightly in a confused voice. "Is there someone with you Thor?"

Thor also confusedly responded, "No, but wouldn't you know that?"

Heimdallr gently pulled up and pushed the key sword further into the keyhole console. Heimdallr moved around the console to stand in front of it, his eyes still gently confused. As he spoke, "I feel the presence of magic with you Thor. And not yours either..." Heimdallr then had a look of nostalgia, recognition pass over his face, followed by a slight upsetness. Heimdallr said, "Ah, Lady Hermione you have something to cause blind spots in my all seeing eyes."

Hermione giggled gently, removing the Cloak of Invisibility off of her. Wearing a dark cloak as well on her, her deep brown eyes looked out over the beautiful stars and said, "I apologize, Heimdallr. I wanted to see where Thor disappears to so often." Hermione playfully winked and cocked an eyebrow at Thor.

Thor rolled his eyes at her antics and commented, "You know, you remind me of a very young Loki, Lady Hermione. So playful and mischievous."

Hermione then rolled her eyes, "Whatever, Thor. How are the stars faring, Heimdallr?"

Heimdallr chuckled deeply, "Still shining. From here, I can see the Nine Realms and ten trillion souls. Do you recall what I taught you of the Convergence when you were younger?"

Hermione smiled brightly and spoke softly, but intelligently, "The alignment of the worlds. It approaches soon, am I correct?"

Thor looked proudly at the young witch he almost considered to be a sister of his. Heimdallr smiled proudly as well, "The universe hasn't looked so marvelous since before my watch began. Few can sense it, even fewer can see it. Its effects can be dangerous. But it is truly beautiful."

Thor smiled as he looked out across the stars and couldn't see at all what the wondrous eyes of Heimdallr could see. Thor then asked, "How is she?"

Hermione cocked an eyebrow as she turned to look at Thor beside her, then looked at Heimdallr, wondering if this was a normal occurrence. Heimdallr chuckled and says, "Clever, your mortal, she doesn't know it yet. But, she studies The Convergence as well...Even..." Thor looked worriedly at the way Heimdallr paused and looked fixedly in the direction of Midgard in the stars.

The Asgardian Prince and The Gryffindor Princess || Loki x Hermione Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now