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May 8th, 2012 - 12:30 PM on Asgard

The question had been gnawing at Hermione's mind, bothering her incessantly. Hermione sighed deeply, knowing this was going to be hard to weasel out of him. She turned to face him, her face frowning and her eyes a bit tired already as she knew this was going to start an argument. "Loki...Why did you take away my memories of you?" She kept looking at him, as he laid across his bed, tossing a metallic cylindrical paper weight in the air. He stopped once the question had finally registered since they had just been sitting and enjoying each other's company since breakfast. He slowly sat up and looked at her, cocking an eyebrow at the look on her face.

 He slowly sat up and looked at her, cocking an eyebrow at the look on her face

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He didn't answer right away because she continued, "Why did you stop talking to me last year? Why did you attack your own brother? What happened to you, Loki?"

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He didn't answer right away because she continued, "Why did you stop talking to me last year? Why did you attack your own brother? What happened to you, Loki?"

Loki's face grew into one of anger, his eyes slowly filled with his pent up aggression and...fear? He finally spoke, "Why does it matter now, darling? In case you haven't noticed, I am here now! Am I not here before you? Have I not proven myself enough for you? Why~You should be thanking me for staying in this dingy cell and not escaping!"

Hermione's face grew hurt but she masked it with her own pent up anger at him, "Thanking you? You took away all of our memories together! Why should I thank you for that? Why should I thank you for hurting your own brother, your father, even your mother? You killed eighty people in two days! What happened to you, my prince?!" She said the prince part condescendingly, obviously she had bottled up a lot of her thoughts on him.

Loki's fire in his eyes grew, the green a piercing color now. "Because of you! I was protecting you, Granger! The perfect little Gryffindor Princess!...You would never understand, with your little mortal mind~" Loki paused, realizing the gravity of that last sentence, the anger almost immediately fled his eyes.

Hermione flinched visibly away from him, taking a few steps back. A look of immense pain filled her face, her chocolate brown eyes pooled with tears. They didn't fall yet, but she looked back at him...into his now guilt filled green gaze. Her shaky voice came out, "Little Mortal? At least I haven't murdered anyone! At least I didn't betray an entire kingdom, my entire family! AT LEAST I WAS THERE FOR YOU!...WHERE WERE YOU?!" She angrily yelled at him, drawing attention to his cell, the other prisoners began to watch since it was really all the entertainment they could get. 

The Asgardian Prince and The Gryffindor Princess || Loki x Hermione Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now