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May 2, 2012 - According to the Daily Prophet


Draco groaned, annoyed, as he awoke to a loud knocking at the front door. He was in a very soft, warm bed that smelled of lavender and mint. He turned and was greeted with the gorgeous sleeping form of Hermione, laying on her stomach with her arms wrapped around the pillow. Draco ran a hand through his blond hair before he slowly climbed out of bed, careful not to disturb her. He walked out to the kitchen and opened the door after getting his underwear and trousers on. "It's 8 in the bloody morning! What do you want?"

Agent Coulson stood before the blond wizard with an amused grin on his face. But, Thor, standing beside the agent, gaped and his blue gaze darkened in anger, "Where is Lady Hermione? Why are you in the Flat of Hermione?" Thor nearly howled, the sound booming throughout the apartment. 

"Draco, dear, who is at the door who is so loud?"

Draco held a finger up to the two men at the door, "I have no idea, I'll talk to them, go back to bed, beautiful." Draco smirked at the large golden-haired man in strange armour. He gave them both a once over before saying, "Hermione was just asleep, I don't know how you two know about her, but you better not be here to hurt her." Draco muttered a spell, and his wand flew to his hand. Draco made to point it at the two men before he heard light footsteps. Hermione, clad in his dark green jumper that thankfully covered all of her luscious torso, emerged down the hallway from her bedroom. She rubbed at her eyes and began to ask.

"Draco who is—?" Hermione opened her eyes and they lit up when she saw Thor. Hermione laughed and ran towards the friendly giant, swerving around Draco in the process. She hugged Thor tightly, her arms wrapping around his waist. When she pulled away from him, he kept an arm around her waist and she spoke. "Thor! What are you doing here? Especially at this ungodly hour?"

Thor chuckled before he noticed she was only wearing a man's tunic. He narrowed his eyes, knowing Loki's affections for this woman. He took a steadying breath and decided he would ask her about it later. "I am here because of SHIELD..." Hermione cut him off.*

"BLOODY HELL, NO! I am not working for them, no way in hell, after what you..." Hermione stopped as she realized the man beside Thor was a SHIELD agent. She wasn't even supposed to know about SHIELD in the first place. "Anyway, what do you need?"

Agent Coulson finally spoke up, "Hello Miss Granger, I am Agent Coulson. We need you. Thor told us that you were very close with his brother. And now his brother, Loki, is threatening the world with war. We have him locked up and ready for interrogating. Thor said the only person that could possibly get anything out of him would be you."

Hermione stared, dumbfounded, at the agent in front of her, "Wait who? Who is Loki? Thor you have a brother?" Hermione looked confusedly at Thor. Thor furrowed his brow and he began thinking of something to say.

Agent Coulson didn't seem phased at all, "We also know about your part in the Wizarding War. . .Don't even bother denying it, SHIELD keeps tabs on your world and has a privacy agreement between our Leaders. Anyway, you can help the others out with finding the Tesseract. A very powerful object that Loki stole. Are you up for it, you don't have to be apart of the fighting, and we promise not to bother you after this, unless you let us."

Hermione blew out a deep breath and looked at Draco before she kissed his cheek and said, "Can you handle me being gone for maybe a week or two?" Hermione turned and faced Agent Coulson and Thor and said, "Are we leaving now?"

Thor shook his head and let Coulson speak, "No, we will be back in a few hours. Thor will pick you up, he knows where the Helicarrier is. Be ready by noon." Hermione nodded before giving Thor a tight hug. She waved to them before shutting the door.

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