T e n - O n e

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Hermione looked up at Loki with desire and excitement in her chocolate brown eyes

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Hermione looked up at Loki with desire and excitement in her chocolate brown eyes. Loki's brilliant emerald green eyes looked mischievously into hers. He leaned in and began to devour her perfect pouty lips, running his tongue along her lower lip. Hermione moaned gently into his mouth as she quickly completely forgot about everything. The past few days, the Wizarding War, everything but him.

Loki was lost as well. Lost in her body, in her soul, in her everything. Loki had found the one woman who was able to make him forget about his self loathing, his schemes, his everything. The one woman who could make him happy, and made him good again. Who saw through the facade. The trickster. The monster. She saw through it and cut straight to his core. Loki didn't know what he would do without her, and it was a weight lifted off his shoulders when he was able to admit to himself that he was in love with her.

Loki broke the kiss to catch his breath, letting her do the same. Loki kept his illusion up while he enjoyed his privacy with his beautiful witch. Everyone else in the prison would see just the two of them sitting together and talking, unknowing to what was really going on. Loki used his abilities to keep her hands pinned above her head, making sure she couldn't squirm away from him.

Hermione flushed with color as she was bound to the bed beneath her by his magic. Hermione bit her bottom lip, not thinking at all, letting her body and instincts guide her for once instead of logic. That logical voice in her head was trying to tell her that this was a mistake and they hadn't even established if they were lovers or together or etc. But she shoved that voice to the side and closed her eyes once more.

Loki slowly began to kiss down from her mouth, to her jawline, nipping in between kisses. Hermione giggled a bit as he nipped and kissed at her jaw. When he reached her neck, a gasp escaped her lips. He smirked triumphantly against her neck before kissing down to the collar of the beautiful armour like dress that had his trademark colours in it. He smirked even wider as he noticed the colours and asked, "Did you specifically wear this for me, darling firebird?"

Hermione looked down at him as he fumbled with getting the dress off of her body. She giggled a bit before she responded, "No, Sif brought it to me, and Thor said it suited me...ah!" He had given up trying to get the dress off and just used his abilities to remove it. Folding the dress neatly, he set it down on the ground by the bed along with the armour parts beside the dress. Loki looked at her dark green under garments and cocked an eyebrow, "Surely this isn't a coincidence also?"

The Asgardian Prince and The Gryffindor Princess || Loki x Hermione Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now