3. ﹃ LUCID DREAMS ﹄ ⇌ ☆.

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𓄼 BEHIND THE MASK 𓄹 ◜ 🎭 ◞₊
⤹ ... be the change you want to see in the world.
written by .. @.yourlocalrebel

AS MUCH AS Kali liked the small vintage restaurant, she wanted to try a different place. About three blocks from her temporary home was a coffee shop.

As she walked in, Kali looked around. This place was a bit more modern than the other place. It had a small couch near the door and Kali assumed that's where people would wait for their coffee.

The brunette got in line as she eyed their menu. She was a sucker for caramel drinks and something that seemed a bit fancier than her usual order caught her eye.

"What can I get for you?" The barista asked as he wiped a part of the counter.

"Can I get a small caramel frappe?" Kali asked, pulling out her wallet.

"That'll be $2.25." The barista replied. Kali handed him the money and sat down on the couch as she waited for her order. As she pulled up a game on her phone, she felt someone sit next to her. She looked up, surprised to see Jason.

Kali felt a tad awkward not saying anything and tried to make some small talk while they waited for their drinks.

"Dr. Thompkins...she's surprisingly really helpful." Kali commented as she shot at the little aliens on her game.

"You didn't think she was going to help you?" Jason remarked, giving her game a funny look.

"I mean no one else has been up to the task." Kali replied, ignoring the look he had given her. Unbeknownst to Kali, her words struck Jason for he had told Dick Grayson similar words a few weeks ago. Not wanting to open up to a girl he barely knew, he decided to comment on her game.

"So what's the point of that. Just shoot the green aliens?"

Kali gave him a small glare. "Don't laugh, it makes time fly by."

"Oh so I'm boring?" Jason teased.

"No but waiting for my coffee is." Kali grinned, standing up to get her drink. As she thanked the barista, she could feel Jason's eyes on her.

Kali turned to leave the building but Jason grabbed her wrist, stopping her.

"Can I get your number? One lost cause to another."

"I'm not a lost cause." Kali said, eyeing the boy suspiciously.

"I didn't mean it like that. You said no one else was up to the task of helping you. I've felt like that before."

"Okay." Kali pulled out her phone, showing the boy her number. Jason was quick to add the number to his phone.

"Maybe I'll find you a better game." Jason grinned as Kali scoffed.

"Yeah right." The brunette rolled her eyes and made her way out of the building. She took a sip of her drink as she admired the falling snow. Her phone vibrated and she pulled it out of her pocket.


It's Jason Todd

hey. This is Kali

Kali slipped her phone back into her pocket, walking back towards her home. As the building came into view, she stopped. Kali looked around at all the snow and began walking away from her home.

Taking another sip of her drink, she walked towards the building she had bombed a few days ago. Kali wasn't sure how much people had been injured but she did know her father was impressed.

𓄼  BEHIND THE MASK  𓄹    ◜ 🎭 ◞₊Where stories live. Discover now