14. ﹃ LOVES ME, LOVES ME NOT ﹄ ⇌ ☆.

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𓄼 BEHIND THE MASK 𓄹 ◜ 🎭 ◞₊
⤹ ... be the change you want to see in the world.
written by .. @.yourlocalrebel

A SLEEPLESS NIGHT drained Kali of her energy. But when Jason asks to meet up, you go.

Currently, Kali was sitting at the diner alone. Jason had excused himself to use the restroom, leaving the brunette with her thoughts for a few moments.

Kali had taken a lot of time this morning to use concealer and foundation. She usually didn't like wearing makeup, but Jason would've been able to tell she hadn't slept at all without the products.

She was so stressed she didn't even lay down. She spent the entire night in the basement, using Dean's equipment to look through a map of the Sanctuary. While Kali had found a few good escape routes, she had no idea how many people had survived and where they were.

Obviously, there was a good chance kids were hiding just like the Bates had done. That would make the big escape even harder. If the kids were too young, they wouldn't be permitted to have phones which meant there was no way to contact them.

They couldn't text everyone's phone either. The guards had most likely taken the phones of the deceased and would know when a text came through.

Kali ran her fingers through her hair, silently counting the ice cubes in her cup to distract herself from her thoughts. She wasn't Lavender right now. She was Kali Abbott and she needed to act like it.

She was supposed to be hanging out with Jason. That required her to be the sarcastic, mean, and playfully rude version of her. You know, the real one. She needed to get out of her Lavender 'mode' and focus.

Kali knew Jason would be back any minute and she was still struggling to keep her mind off those helpless kids. At this point, her only idea was to think of Jason. She thought back to their night on the beach, when he pulled her close and let her rest her head on him. That wasn't a friendly thing to do, was it?

Kali gently touched her cheeks with the tips of her fingers, frowning when her face felt hot. She opened the camera app on her phone and wanted to frown even more when she realized she wasn't coming down with an unknown sickness. She was blushing.

'I can't possibly have feelings for that asshole.' She thought to herself.

Kali didn't do feelings. Ever.

Except for when she told her siblings she loved them and when she had a very tiny crush on an older boy at the Sanctuary.

Feelings didn't exist to her. Other than when she felt proud.

'Shit. Feeling proud literally has feeling in the name.'

Kali mentally groaned, laying her head on the table. Would having a crush on Jason really be that bad? He was goofy and he always made her smile. He was an asshole too, which seemed to be her type based on that older boy.

Jason took her for drives on his motorcycle. Her own sister wouldn't even do that.

Kali sighed, knowing even she couldn't lie to herself.

She had feelings for Jason Todd.

The Jason Todd. That annoying little asshole.

Of all people, why him?

Kali didn't have a chance to even try and answer her own question. Someone hit her from behind the head and she quickly turned around, glaring daggers at whoever had done it.

Her eyes softened slightly, upon seeing Jason's laughing figure.

"I hate you." She mumbled, turning back towards her drink.

𓄼  BEHIND THE MASK  𓄹    ◜ 🎭 ◞₊Where stories live. Discover now