16. ﹃ FREEDOM AT A COST ﹄ ⇌ ☆.

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𓄼 BEHIND THE MASK 𓄹 ◜ 🎭 ◞₊
⤹ ... be the change you want to see in the world.
written by .. @.yourlocalrebel

IN THE MOVIES, the jail cells were always cold. Perhaps the one Kali was in wasn't cold because she was still in the GCPD building. The six of them had been placed into different cells. Across from Kali was June, who was laying on her back with her legs on the wall. Kali had her back to her bed, knees pulled up to her chest, and her head on her knees.

She was bored, tired, and hungry. Her only entertainment was watching June draw shapes in the air as she stared at the ceiling. Whoever was next to her, who she assumed was Alyson, began hitting the wall.

June stopped drawing shapes and glanced over. "Alyson you're going to hurt yourself."

"They should be transferring us over to Arkham. Why are we still here?" Kali's sister said in frustration.

There was no response. No one knew what to say. Kali let her eyes flutter shut, listening to the tapping on the wall. Tap. Tap. Kali was hoping it would lure her to sleep but she had no such luck. Mere minutes later, she was still wide awake due to an argument of whispers.

If anyone listened closely like Kali now was, they'd discover that Alyson and Dean seemed to be at each other's throats. Well, they would be if there wasn't a wall between them.

Kali opened her eyes and lifted her head up as the sound of heavy footsteps neared the cell room door. Alyson and Dean quieted down as everyone waited for the orders. Most likely, they would be orders to stand up and enter the van to Arkham.

"Finally." Alyson mumbled as someone fiddled with the lock.

Everyone's attention was on the door as it opened. Nightwing stepped inside, followed by Barbara Gordon. The two glanced around the room, seeing boredom in everyone's faces.

"You've already accepted your fate, haven't you?" Barbara asked. To Kali's surprise, her tone wasn't malicious. It was surprise.

"We hurt and killed people. We're obviously going to Arkham without a second thought." Kali said, putting her chin back on her knees. Nightwing and Barbara shared a look.

"Why don't you guys come with us for a second?" Nightwing asked, sincerity in his voice. Kali looked across her cell at June, who seemed to be just as confused as she was. Why were they being so kind?

Despite the many questions they had, the six of them allowed the hero and the commissioner to lead them into another room. Nightwing opened the door, allowing them to walk inside.

They all looked around the room, taking in how different it was from their previous room. Six comfortable looking chairs were at the end where the large windows were. There was a large glass coffee table in front of the chairs, with a nice looking couch on the other side.

Audrey whistled. "Way better than our cells."

The group each took a seat and couldn't stop themselves from grinning at the comfortable feeling of sitting in the chairs.

Kali's smile faltered as the Titans and Barbara Gordon entered the room, followed by Jason.

"Look, you three have done awful things to Gotham. People are hurt and some families lost their loved ones. Usually this type of thing gets a guy put in Arkham. I'm sure that's what you're expecting, but we have a different idea." Nightwing said.

"I'm confused. Why aren't we being thrown in Arkham?" Kali asked, trying to ignore Jason's stare.

"The GCPD is creating a rehab program to help you guys. You guys weren't given a choice. The Sanctuary threatened you and you were scared to disobey them." Starfire added.

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