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𓄼 BEHIND THE MASK 𓄹 ◜ 🎭 ◞₊
⤹ ... be the change you want to see in the world.
written by .. @.yourlocalrebel

JASON REALLY HAD gotten Kali home without anyone noticing. Well, anyone from the GCPD. Alyson and Dean were quick to interrogate her when she arrived home late at night.

Kali dismissed all their questions, assuring them that no one had seen her out so late.

Of course, they just had to bring up Jason.

"Were you with him?"

"Did you guys kiss?"

Embarrassed, Kali had lied and told them she wasn't with anyone. Sensing that their poor sister was tired, Dean suggested they revisit the topic in the morning.

Which was why Kali was still laying in bed at nine. She was beginning to feel disgusting. The three blankets covering her were starting to cover her body in sweat.

Kali laid still and closed her eyes as her door opened.

"Kali? It's Dad." Alyson said, gently shaking Kali's shoulder. The girl in the blankets was quick to sit up and run her fingers through her hair. Alyson helped brush a piece behind her ear before leading her to the living room.

Dean was already waiting, sitting on the couch in front of his laptop. As soon as the girls sat down, the call came through. Kali reached over as fast as she could and answered it.

"Barely injuring Nightwing?" He asked, a disappointed look on his face.

"We were hoping the bombs would inflict more damage." Dean replied, looking down in shame.

"Well your bombs failed. If you can't take down a Titan soon, I'll remove you all from the mission."

"With all due respect, how much fear do you want us to give Gotham? We've done so much already." Alyson reasoned.

"You haven't done enough to please the Sanctuary." Their father said, turning the camera so that it faced the opposite way where a familiar face was at.

Kali felt her blood boil as Audrey Bates smirked at her. The blonde gave the Abbott's a small wave as her grin grew bigger.

"I'm not sure why Miss Stine still hopes you can impress her. After all, my team has more skill, more successful missions, and we get the job done faster." Audrey smirked.

"You're kind of a bitch." Kali responded, venom in her voice.

"You by all people should know that Miss Stine loves that." Audrey smiled, turning the camera back to their father.

"Take down a Titan, now." And with that, the call was ended.

Kali stood up, walking towards the fridge. Dean and Alyson shared a look but didn't say anything. They simply watched as Kali pulled out a beer, drinking a large amount of it.

"WE NEED TO pick a Titan and now." Kali announced, walking towards the far end of the basement. Alyson and Dean were sitting in front of the many computers Dean had.

"Okay, first we need to review their abilities." Dean clicked something behind him and a projector turned on. The back wall was now giving the team a bigger presentation of the information Dean had.

Nightwing's information was up first.

"He's the first Robin so he was trained by Batman. He's dangerously skilled, but he's also injured." Dean said, waiting for any suggestions from his sisters.

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