7. ﹃ THE PAST ﹄ ⇌ ☆.

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𓄼 BEHIND THE MASK 𓄹 ◜ 🎭 ◞₊
⤹ ... be the change you want to see in the world.
written by .. @.yourlocalrebel

KALI'S LEG SHOOK anxiously as she waited for Dr. Thompkins to say something. The older female stared at her clipboard, writing down notes in pen here and there.

"Kali...you're stuck in the past. In order to really begin this healing process, you'll need to start moving on. For now, I want you to get a notebook and just write about your past. I won't ever look at it, this is for you and you only." Dr. Thompkins advised.

"Do you really think that will help me?" Kali asked, still unsure.

"It won't right away, but it's a start. You have my number, feel free to call me if things get really bad for you." The older woman smiled as she stood up. Kali stood up as well, heading back out to the receptionist desk.

Few words were spoken as the brunette handed over the cash she owed.

"Have a nice day." The receptionist said. Kali forced a smile and a nod, eager to get home.

Of course, Kali had a stop to make before she got home. Some sort of arts and crafts store. As she entered one, she sent a quick text to her siblings, letting them know she'd be home soon.

With the notebook secured, Kali rushed home. As she passed the living room, Alyson tossed a piece of popcorn in her direction. Kali caught it with ease, tossing it into her mouth.

"What are you watching?" She asked, eyeing the TV curiously.

"A documentary on a serial killer. Not that I plan on becoming one or anything, I just like learning about the mind." Alyson replied.

"I'm not watching it. It's too disturbing, even for me." Dean added. Kali noticed his laptop on his lap and some sort of game on it.

"Well have fun. I'll be in my room." With that being said, Kali entered her safe place. She pulled a pencil out of her desk and opened the notebook.

She stared at the empty paper in front of her, waiting for the words to form.

KALI GRUNTED AS her body hit the floor harshly.

"Get up." Her father and trainer ordered. The young girl stood back up, scared to look the man in the eye. Bruises covered her entire body, which grew weaker each time she hit the floor.

The older man advanced towards her and Kali prepared to hit the ground again. Instead, his style changed and in a flash he was behind her. Kali reached up and grabbed his arms as soon as they wrapped around her neck. She could breathe, for now.

"Seventy-two times. You fell seventy-two times. That means you failed seventy-two times. You're better than this Kali. You have so much potential, why keep it hidden? Honestly child, you're beginning to disappoint me."

Kali grunted as she moved her left foot so that it was positioned in front of his. He was now cutting off her air-flow completely. In one quick movement, Kali kicked his leg and pulled down on his arms. The force and surprise of the impact gave Kali a chance to turn around and swiftly kick his face.

The man grunted as he hit the floor. Kali backed over to the wall, holding her throat as she welcomed air back into her lungs.

"I suppose that was better. Let's go again." He said as he returned to his feet.

'You suppose?' Kali thought. It seemed as though nothing would ever be good enough for him. That angered the young teen. As they got into their fighting stances, Kali's eyes scanned the room. She was pleased to see a small pipe at the ceiling. She could definitely use that.

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