13. ﹃ RUN AND DON'T LOOK BACK ﹄ ⇌ ☆.

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𓄼 BEHIND THE MASK 𓄹 ◜ 🎭 ◞₊
⤹ ... be the change you want to see in the world.
written by .. @.yourlocalrebel

AS SOON AS a knock was heard at the door, Kali was there. She quickly threw the door open to reveal the Bates.

Alyson, who was sitting on the couch, was surprised to see them. "What are they doing here?"

"I'm sorry we didn't have time to tell you earlier. It was a life or death situation." Dean explained.

"Now that we're safe, we can give you a better explaination for what happened." Audrey spoke, holding her head down. It was unlike her to be scared. The Abbotts ushered their guests to the couch, awaiting to hear the full story.

"Well..." Audrey began.

IT WAS A normal day of training for the Bates.

They started their morning at the range, shooting at targets that were placed far from the shooting line. Like always, they hit almost every target, missing only the one placed the furthest away.

Their 'father' smiled at them in approval and allowed them to move on.

Again, this was a perfectly normal day for the sisters. Everyone acted normal and nothing seemed strange or off.

Lunch was normal too.

The Bates happily accepted their taco in a bag from the cafeteria and sat in their usual spot to eat.

A few younger groups sat at their table, which was a daily occurance. With the Abbotts in Gotham, the younger teams began to look up to the Bates. Obviously, the Bates were almost on par with the Abbotts' skills and strengths. Some might say the Bates were the second best.

'Second Best' was never good enough for them. They silently prayed that the Abbotts would be pulled from their mission, which would give the Bates the spotlight they needed to prove themselves.

And with the Abbotts out of the Sanctuary building, that made earning respect and attention very easy for the Bates.

They spent the first part of the afternoon creating fake mission plans. This wasn't a new type of training, but it earned them the respect and attention they wanted.

As usual, Vanessa Stine entered the room for her weekly check.

The woman looked over their mission plans and smiled proudly at them.

"You all will do great things." Miss Stine smiled before exiting the room. The sisters smiled at each other in excitement. When the Abbotts were still in the building, Miss Stine rarely paid any attention to them. But now, they were in the spotlight and they were loving it.

The intercom blared to life, the femine robotic voice speaking. "All students and trainers, please report to the yard."

That was the first unusual thing. Meetings and assemblies were always held in the auditorium. Still, no one dared to question it. They all entered the hallways, walking single file.

It had been awhile since the Bates had seen the yard. Sure everyone was allowed there to soak in all the sunshine, but the Bates perferred to use their free time to train their minds.

Everything was focused on strength and skill, but the Bates took this time to mediate, connecting their body, mind, and soul.

"I wonder what the grass looks like." Alexis whispered. Audrey smiled for a moment, the grin falling when the guards in the halls glared at them.

𓄼  BEHIND THE MASK  𓄹    ◜ 🎭 ◞₊Where stories live. Discover now