12. ﹃ BROKEN FAMILIES ﹄ ⇌ ☆.

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𓄼 BEHIND THE MASK 𓄹 ◜ 🎭 ◞₊
⤹ ... be the change you want to see in the world.
written by .. @.yourlocalrebel

BROAD DAYLIGHT. IT was risky, but Kali felt ready.

Dean hadn't bothered to hack the cameras, they wanted the GCPD to know where they were.

The officers fired at the team and Kali smirked. She raised one hand and a giant shield formed in front of them, deflecting the bullets.

The GCPD shouted at each other, hoping to form another plan. The trio grinned at each other as they realized the police were shocked.

"That's too bad!" Alyson shouted as the GCPD began shouting for someone to use the bat signal. "We were hoping you cops would give us a real fight!"

In the batcave, the Titans watched it all. As they saw Kali's shields, they all shared looks.

"Her. The one on the left." Gar spoke hoarsly. "She did something to me. I recognize her voice."

"Gar!" Kory shouted, rushing to his side.

"Thank God. I wasn't sure the antidote was working." Conner smiled.

Jason helped Gar sit up more as the others surrounded him.

"What happened out there?" Kory asked.

"Azul, she wasn't wearing that suit. She seemed like an everyday citizen. We walked into the game store at the same time and walked out together. She kind of led me towards an alley and stabbed me with something."

"Poison. She stabbed you with poison." Dick said as he walked into the room.

"Clearly they're figuring out who we are." Dawn replied, worry sketched onto her face.

"I know. We need to take them out soon."

"LOOK, WE'VE BEEN digging up information for hours. You guys take a small break and then get back to it. I'll make us a nice dinner and then we'll do something together after." Kali said, standing up from the chair. She cracked her back, happy to stand up after being hunched over a computer since the phone call.

"Listen here you ungrateful brats. We have done so much for you here. The least you could do is fucking complete this mission. If the Titans and Batman aren't taken down in the next week I will pull you out of this mission myself. Oh and don't try to hide anything from me again. Kali, expect to be in the training room a lot when you return." Their father hissed at them.

"Sounds good. What are you gonna make?" Alyson asked.

"It's a surprise." Kali grinned, making her way towards the elevator. "Just stay here till I get you so the surprise isn't ruined."

"Aw I love ruining surprises." Alyson laughed.

"Stay here." Kali ordered.

"Yes ma'am. Make us something good!" Dean shouted. Kali playfully raised a middle finger into the air as the elevator took her back upstairs.

Minutes later, the chicken was in the oven and the water was boiling on the stove. Kali's headphones covered her ears, blocking out any other noise.

Knowing her siblings were downstairs, Kali felt comfortable enough to dance around the kitchen. Loud music blared into her ears and Kali was enjoying it. No one to bother her, just her and her mix of different music genres.

She happily did a twirl and smiled as she was lost in her own world. Until her ringtone replaced the music in her ears. She frowned, turning the volume down a bit as she accepted the facetime call from the one and only Jason Todd.

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