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𓄼 BEHIND THE MASK 𓄹 ◜ 🎭 ◞₊
⤹ ... be the change you want to see in the world.
written by .. @.yourlocalrebel

KALI SLIPPED HER coat on, preparing to meet Jason at the vintage styled restaurant. That morning she had texted the boy, deciding it wouldn't hurt to talk about her life. They had spent part of the day before at a bar, where Jason had gotten drunk and told her about his life.

The snow was beginning to melt as the air warmed up, so Kali put on a pair of boots. She hadn't realized how much she liked the snow until it was turning into mud.

Grimacing, the brunette walked around the mud. She looked around the street, noticing it was much busier than usual.

She smiled a bit as the restaurant came into view, glad to be getting out of the mud.

Kali walked inside, immediately looking around for Jason. She spotted him in a booth near the windows, looking at his phone intently.

"Hey. You planning on drinking again?" Kali teased as she sat down across from him.

"Nope. Today's about you, not me." Jason replied, setting his phone down.

"Okay. But I'd like to know why you wanted to drink in the first place."

"Maybe another time." Jason smiled. Bruce and Dick would kill him if he told her the real reason. Kali wasn't supposed to know he was Robin and she sure as hell wasn't supposed to know Robin got taken from him.

"Okay well my parents died when I was really young. I lived in the orphanage for a few years." Kali started, avoiding eye contact. Opening up was a new feeling for her and she could tell Jason didn't like opening up either. It felt wrong to not tell him at least a bit about her.

"I'm uh sorry about that." Jason said, feeling sympathy for the girl.

"It's okay. I was adopted by an older man, who's kind of an asshole. He never married so I never got a mom." Kali looked up at the boy for a moment before looking back at her hands. "Dr. Thompkins thinks that might have something to do with my depression."

"How bad is it? Your uh depression."

"It's kind of on and off. It usually doesn't get too bad, living doesn't always suck. I'm just tired of seeing everyone around me be so happy. I want to feel that too." Kali replied, not looking up.

"I understand that. Everyone around you gets all these great opportunities and they're living their lives to the fullest while you're stuck wondering what went wrong." Jason spoke as a waitress came up to the table.

"Can I get you guys anything?" She asked politely.

"Caramel iced coffee."

"Just normal coffee."

Jason and Kali gave each other a weird look as the waitress walked away.

"Normal coffee? What the hell is normal coffee?" Kali teased.

"It's normal compared to your fancy shit." Jason teased back.

"Oh okay so my coffee is the weird one. Got it." Kali laughed.

"You're right. It is." Jason smiled.

A few moments passed before the waitress arrived again with their coffee. To pass the few minutes beforehand, Jason made a list of games that were better than Kali's.

"Shut up. There's nothing wrong with my game." Kali grinned, taking a sip of her coffee.

"Yes, there is. And there's something wrong with your coffee."

𓄼  BEHIND THE MASK  𓄹    ◜ 🎭 ◞₊Where stories live. Discover now