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𓄼 BEHIND THE MASK 𓄹 ◜ 🎭 ◞₊
⤹ ... be the change you want to see in the world.
written by .. @.yourlocalrebel

IT HAD BEEN days since Kali had seen the flashdrive, yet here she was holding it in her brother's tech room. Dean was at his desk, typing away furiously on one of his many computers. Alyson sat on his bed, twirling a knife in her hands.

Without words, Dean held his hand out. He was indicating that he was ready for the flashdrive so Kali was quick to hand it over. This mission would be the safest and hopefully the most successful.

Moments of silence passed and Kali resorted to looking through Dean's other flashdrives that he had labeled.

"Go get your suits." The boy finally said. Kali and Alyson shared a look, smirking. Together, the two sisters rushed to their basement and slipped on their suits.

By the time they got back into Dean's room, he was already wearing his suit. As Kali got closer, she noticed a red bat symbol on his computer.

"We go live in three minutes." The blonde boy announced, reaching behind his sisters to press a button. Alyson and Kali watched in amazement as a thin brick wall rose out of the floor until it reached the ceiling.

"Is that useful downstairs too?" Alyson asked.

"Of course." Dean grinned, slipping his mask on. Kali and Alyson followed his lead as the bat symbol changed. They could now see inside the batcave, blurry and with no sound, but they could see. Kali nodded at Dean and he pressed a button. The Titans in the room rushed over to the computer, gasping as they saw the trio.

Kali was quick to figure out who they were. Starfire, Beast Boy, and Superboy. Dean held up a finger to keep his sisters quiet as Beast Boy typed on the computer. The blurriness vanished and they could hear the boy mumbling to himself.

"Hello Titans, I believe it is time you returned to the west coast. We're relieving you from your duties. Gotham is ours now." The brunette smirked.

"Like hell it is." Starfire hissed.

"It's hard to believe the people of Earth were so welcoming to aliens." Alyson, Azul teased. Starfire and Superboy stiffened.

"What do you want?" Superboy asked, anger clear in his eyes.

"What everyone wants. Power. And we will get it, no matter how many people or supers that we have to kill." Dean replied. Starfire leaned towards the computer and the connection was cut.

Dean pulled the flashdrive out and turned his computer off.

"Dude. That was so cool." Alyson grinned, slipping her mask off.

"Yeah it was." Dean replied, pushing a button that allowed the wall to go back down.

"Please tell me you got a recording of that." Kali said, taking her mask off as well.

As Dean lifted his mask off, he grinned. "It's saved on the computer."

"Yes!" Alyson cheered. "You know what this means!"

"Alcohol?" Kali and Dean questioned, although they already knew the answer.

"You know it!" The girl shouted in glee as she rushed towards their kitchen. Kali smiled mostly to herself as she wandered back down towards the basement.

She was happy to put her suit back in it's specially made case before heading back to her room for a much needed nap.

Kali threw herself on her bed, snuggling into the covers. Her eyes closed momentarily before fluttering open again. She could hear Dean and Alyson singing obnoxiously loud in the other room. She smiled softly before it faded away as her eyes landed on her mirror.

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