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𓄼 BEHIND THE MASK 𓄹 ◜ 🎭 ◞₊
⤹ ... be the change you want to see in the world.
written by .. @.yourlocalrebel

THE MORNING NEWS frightened the people of Gotham even more.

Dick Grayson, Kory Anders, Connor Kent, Garfield Logan, Dawn Granger, Hank Hall, Jason Todd, and Bruce Wayne sat in Bruce's living room as they watched it. Bruce sighed as Poison Ivy's face was shown on the screen.

"First they sold drugs to Joker, now they're selling them to Poison Ivy?" Garfield asked.

"I know. This is bad." Dick replied.

"Yeah no kidding. We need to stop them, like now." Kory added.

MEANWHILE, A CELEBRATION was being held in the Abbott's house. After the group had finished their ice cream, they met with Poison Ivy to sell more drugs.

"Take that Batman!" Alyson cheered. Kali and Dean laughed as their sister danced around their living room. "This is so great!"

Kali got off the couch, making her way to the fridge. She pulled out two bottles, passing them over to her siblings before grabbing one for herself. She felt happier, if that was even possible, as the alcohol touched her taste buds.

"We're really stepping up our game." Dean commented, taking a drink out of his bottle.

"Oh just wait till we put your holograms to use. That'll be quite a show." Alyson remarked. Kali hummed in agreement.

"You know, it's been awhile since we've seen you this happy. We really must be doing good." Dean grinned.

"Either that or she met a boy." Alyson spoke in a joking manner as she focused on the news. Jason flashed through Kali's mind and she took a quick drink, trying to get him out of her mind.

Kali's silence caused Alyson and Dean to share a quick glance.

"Kali, did you meet a boy?" They both asked.

"I go out for coffee every other day, I'm going to meet people every once in awhile." The brunette responded, hoping they wouldn't push further.

"That wasn't a no." Dean said, a smile growing on his face.

"What's his name? Is he cute?" Alyson smirked, resting the tip of her bottle against her mouth.

"He's not cute." Kali tried to scrunch her nose up in disgust, obviously failing miserably as her siblings roared with laughter.

"Seriously though. What's his name?"

Kali sighed, not seeing a point in trying to hide. After all, they would never stop pestering her. "It's Jason."

"Jason? What's he like?" Alyson grinned.

"I don't think you're his type."

"Oho! Is that jealousy I'm hearing?" Dean laughed, clinking his bottle with Alyson's as Kali tried to continue her frustration. Is this what normal people felt as their family teased them about a stupid a crush? Not that Kali was admitting to having feelings for the boy.

"I'm going out." Kali spoke up, wanting nothing more than to escape the embarrassment.

"No! Don't go! We were only teasing!" Alyson cried.

"Yeah sis. We're happy that you're happy." Dean added.

"Still leaving!" Kali called out as she left the house. She tossed her now empty bottle aside in the alley before continuing on her way.

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