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𓄼 BEHIND THE MASK 𓄹 ◜ 🎭 ◞₊
⤹ ... be the change you want to see in the world.
written by .. @.yourlocalrebel

KALI SAT STILL in the chair, dozens of wires attached to her. Dean was still hunched over, eyes glued to his computers.

"Well? Anything?" Alyson asked, growing impatient.

"It's genetic." Dean responded, never looking away from the screens.

"What's genetic?" Alyson pressed.

"Kali's powers. Those shields. One of your parents had that power and it was genetically passed down to you." He explained, looking up at Kali as he talked.

"Why am I just now being able to use them?" Kali questioned.

"Well, the scans show that you were stressed and scared. Were you having a nightmare when we woke you up?"

"A lucid dream." Kali replied, looking down at her hands.

"Do you get those often?"


"Well, the fear and stress from your lucid dreams are what is triggering these powers. They're shields and they're probably used to protect you and whichever parent had them. You're so cold and devious during the day, they wouldn't be triggered."

"So her powers have a mind of their own?" Alyson asked.

"No. There's a small part of her brain that controls them. Her brain is trying to protect her from whatever she's dreaming about."

"Do we tell him?" Kali questioned. It was obvious who she was referring to. Their father.

"No, he'll want to study you and we'll be pulled from the mission. I'll come up with a training plan to help you out." Dean answered.

"Okay. What should I do?"

"Go upstairs. Do something to keep your mind off of this."

Kali nodded, listening to her brother's advice. Although once she was upstairs, she wasn't sure what she should do.

A movie would only keep her mind off her powers for a short amount of time. A walk could help. She could get some coffee, go shopping.

"I'm going to go take a walk for a bit." Kali announced to Alyson who had just exited the elevator.

"Yeah okay. Have fun." Alyson replied. Kali gave her sister a small smile before she walked out the door. The crisp air hit her face and Kali took a deep breath.

She was okay. Everything would be okay.

The walk to the coffee shop was quick, as it always was.

It seemed as if Kali had picked a perfect time to enter the shop, seeing how very few people were inside. Without a never ending line, Kali ordered her usual drink and paid.

It only took a few minutes for the drink to be made and during those minutes, Kali stared out the window. The peace and quiet was addicting. The beautiful morning sky was a sight for sore eyes.

As soon as her drink was in her hands, Kali made her way to the mall. She wasn't sure what she would shop for, but it seemed like something that would keep her mind off the downwards spiral she was experiencing.

DEAN'S TRAINING PLAN sounded like hell to Kali. Of course, she's been through worse with people she didn't entirely trust. Therefore Kali agreed to go through with this training, knowing her unstable powers could cause harm to her or people she cared about.

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