4. ﹃ TITANS ﹄ ⇌ ☆.

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𓄼 BEHIND THE MASK 𓄹 ◜ 🎭 ◞₊
⤹ ... be the change you want to see in the world.
written by .. @.yourlocalrebel

KALI GROANED AS someone shook her awake. With her eyes closed, she threw a punch at whoever was shaking her. As the person's hand caught her fist, Kali knew who it was.

"What do you want Alyson?" The brunette grumbled.

"I'm here too!" Dean whispered excitedly.

"That's not an answer." Kali muttered.

"Dean has something interesting that you're going to want to see." Alyson said. Kali opened her eyes, spotting the seriousness on Alyson's face and the excitement on Dean's.

"Alright. Give me five minutes."

Exactly five minutes later, Kali stood with her siblings in front of Dean's computer. They watched intently as Dean hacked into the GCPD files.

He scrolled through a list of things the department had locked away and clicked on one. A picture of a flashdrive took up the entire screen.

"What is that?" Kali asked, wondering why a small device was important enough to wake her up.

"It's a high-tech flashdrive capable of hacking into other pieces of high-tech. If we steal this, I think I could hack into the batcave." Dean said, a proud smile on his face as he talked.

"Okay, how do we break into the GCPD?" Alyson questioned.

"I never thought you'd ask. We start with bombs. We plant multiple around the city, each timed to go off exactly 2 minutes after each other. Batman and the GCPD will think they have us figured out. While they disarm the rest of the bombs, we sneak in and my tech will get us through any obstacles inside." The boy explained.

"I like it." Kali smiled. "When do we put it into action?"

"Well, I have plenty of bombs built, it'll take me a bit to get them ready but I should be done by tonight."

"We'll go tomorrow around lunch. With the curfew it'll be busy around then." Kali ordered, making her way back to her room. Finally, something they could use to achieve a good reaction from their father. She grabbed some of the money she got from the drug deal and walked back into the living room.

"Are you going somewhere?" Alyson asked.

"You woke me up early. I'm going to need coffee."

"It's seven." Alyson grinned cheekily as Kali groaned. The brunette threw herself on the couch and lazily turned on the TV, watching the news for a bit.

WITH THE BOMBS in place and going off, the trio broke into the Gotham City Police Department. Following Dean, Kali and Alyson aimed their guns around the rooms.

To get past one of the rooms, they had to crawl through the ventilation system.

They dropped out of it, looking around the room.

Once they determined they were alone, Kali and Alyson took it all in. Cases of dangerous items filled the room.

"We could steal so much shit right now." Alyson whispered.

"Steal something then. It'll scare them even more." Dean suggested. Alyson smirked as she stood in front of a motorcycle helmet.

Kali walked up to it, wondering why it was in here.

"What does it do?" She whispered.

"It's a computer. It'll sync with Allie's motorcycle and tell her whatever she wants to know. Google, the black market, it could probably connect to Oracle." Dean said as he walked up to them.

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