10. ﹃ LOSING IT ﹄ ⇌ ☆.

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𓄼 BEHIND THE MASK 𓄹 ◜ 🎭 ◞₊
⤹ ... be the change you want to see in the world.
written by .. @.yourlocalrebel

"HOW MUCH LONGER?" The trio of young villains heard Starfire ask Super Boy.

"I don't know. I'm trying my best, Kory."

Kali looked over at her brother and grinned. Earlier that morning, he had hacked into the old Batcave computer again with the sole purpose of listening in. Super Boy had been tasked with making the antidote for Garfield, but he wasn't making much progress.

"Dad has to be proud of us now." Alyson smiled as Dean disconnected the flashdrive.

"Let's not get our hopes up. He doesn't know yet." Dean replied.

"What do you mean?" Alyson asked.

"The Titans haven't publicly announced anything yet." The boy responded.

"Will they say something?" Kali questioned.

"It doesn't matter. I recorded the audio. I'll send it to him tonight if they don't announce anything."


Kali spent the majority of the day in her room. She looked at the sticky notes, the drugs, and her pocket knife. Each a reminder of her horrible life.

The entire day passed and the Titans never publicly announced Garfield's health. Following his word, Dean sent the audio recording to their father.

An hour had passed and Kali entertained herself by throwing darts at their dartboard.

"Guys! He's calling!" Dean shouted as he quickly pressed the answer button. Kali and Alyson were at his side within seconds.

"Honestly, I expected more from you. Especially you, Kali. One of the weakest Titans, really?" Their father scoffed.

"Father, Beast Boy can transform into a tiger. That's hardly weak." Kali snapped.

"You listen here girl. Do better or the Bates take your place." The older man hissed. Alyson and Dean looked down in shame as Kali kept her nose high in the air. She didn't plan on backing down.

A woman came up to their father, whispering into his ear. She held a file, most likely filled with something important. Their father sent one last glare towards Kali before hanging up.

"Damn you have guts." Alyson breathed out.

"I'm tired of getting treated like this." Kali responded, beginning to make her way back to her room.

"We all are." Alyson rolled her eyes. "But you didn't have to jeopardize our lives like that."

"Excuse me?" Kali turned around, glaring daggers at her sister. Dean simply looked warily between the two before slipping back into the basement.

"Oh please. Snapping at Dad like that is going to get someone killed. Most likely Dean and I."

"We mess up, we go to Cadmus. The Sanctuary doesn't kill us." Kali said, walking closer to her sister.

"So getting shipped to Cadmus is better? No one ever comes back from there!" Alyson shouted, standing up.

"Maybe they all escaped! You can't always assume the worst Alyson!" Kali inched closer.

"Right because everything has always been so peachy for us! We're fucking pawns in a bigger game Kali! No one loves us there, we're collateral damage!" Alyson screamed, getting right into Kali's face. Kali quickly threw a punch at her sister's face. Alyson stumbled back a few steps, holding the forming bruise on her cheek.

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