17. ﹃ MOVING ON ﹄ ⇌ ☆.

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𓄼 BEHIND THE MASK 𓄹 ◜ 🎭 ◞₊
⤹ ... be the change you want to see in the world.
written by .. @.yourlocalrebel

THREE MONTHS LATER, Kali walked out of the rehab building a free woman. She could finally live a somewhat normal life without the Sanctuary. It was refreshing for her, to be able to walk along the sidewalk as a true citizen of Gotham.

Kali, along with her siblings and the Bates, had been invited to Wayne Manor to catch up with the Titans. In front of Kali, Alyson and Alexis held hands as they skipped along the sidewalk.

Before rehab, Alexis had always been shy and distant. Alyson spent a lot of time with her in rehab, determined to crack her shell. It worked and Kali could see a great friendship blooming between the two.

"You excited to see Jason?" Audrey asked, pulling Kali away from her thoughts. Similar to Alyson and Alexis, Kali and Audrey had become close friends during their time at rehab.

"Of course I am. Although I'm sure he's moved on by now." Kali replied, mindlessly kicking a stone.

"Oh don't be so negative. Even an infant could see how much he cared about you." Audrey pointed out. Kali hummed in agreement, turning her head to look behind her. Dean and June were walking side by side, most likely in a deep discussion about technology.

"I bet you thirty bucks they'll get together soon." Kali said, turning her head to face Audrey again.

"I'll take that bet. They won't have the courage to confess." Audrey grinned, eyeing her sister. Kali smiled, turning her attention back to the sidewalk in front of her. The curfew had been lifted shortly after they were sent to rehab, allowing the citizens of Gotham to have all their freedoms back.

While the walk to the Wayne Manor was long, it was worth it. The group of six looked up at the large home in amazement.

"I can't believe this is where Batman lives." Alyson mumbled. Kali grinned, walking up to the door. Once everyone was behind her, she rang the doorbell. It opened quickly, revealing a young woman with light blonde hair.

"Hello, come on in." The woman smiled.

"Holy shit you're Dove!" Alyson exclaimed.

"I am but you can call me Dawn." The woman laughed.

Kali looked around the building in awe. She always assumed she'd be stealing something or killing someone in a nice place like this. But this time was different. She was here to meet with Nightwing and catch up with the Titans.

Speaking of the devil, Nightwing descended the stairs, wearing regular civilian clothes.

"I almost didn't recognize you." Kali teased as Nightwing made his way over to her.

"That's why I wear the mask." He grinned. "How was rehab?"

"Better than I was expecting. I feel more like myself now."

"I reviewed your papers. With your fighting skills, you'd make a great Titan. Obviously you'd need a bit of training to understand the 'Titan' way but you'll get there." Nightwing or as Kali had recently learned, Dick Grayson said.

"Thanks Dick, but I'm going to have to turn down that offer." Kali smiled, glancing back at her siblings and the Bates. "We caused a lot of damage and we want to make up for it by creating our own base in Chicago."

"Well I can't say that I'm not disappointed, but I do know a guy that's great at making bases." Dick offered.

"Let me guess, Batman?" Kali grinned. Dick's chuckle confirmed her suspicions.

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