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𓄼 BEHIND THE MASK 𓄹 ◜ 🎭 ◞₊
⤹ ... be the change you want to see in the world.
written by .. @.yourlocalrebel

KALI WALKED THROUGH the snow covered sidewalk towards Dr. Thompkins' office. Had she been dreading this day as much as she wanted it to come? Yes, she had.

She opened the door, taking in the scent of fresh flowers. It was a calming scent and almost made her forget where she was.

Kali walked up to the counter and rang the bell.

"Be there in a moment!" She heard someone call. Kali waited patiently and smiled at the elderly woman that walked up to the other side of the counter.

"Sorry about that dear. What's your name?"

"Kali Abbott."

"Ah here you are. Just sit down and Dr. Thompkins will call for you." The elderly woman instructed politely.

"Thank you ma'am." Kali walked over to a seat and sat down, waiting for what felt like eternity. Finally, her name was called and she was walking into the office.

"Hi dear. What seems to be troubling you?" Dr. Thompkins asked as Kali sat down.

"I just feel sad...a lot. I'm tired of feeling sad. I'm surrounded by happy people and I just want to be happy like them." Kali confessed, playing with her anxiety ring.

"Okay...do you know what's causing this sadness?"

"I'm not really sure." Kali responded.

"Alright, when was the first time you felt like this?" Dr. Thompkins asked as she wrote a few things down.

"It's kinda been an on and off thing for awhile. The first time I felt like this was when I was five. I was living in an orphanage and I really wanted a mom. I was adopted, by a single man who never got married." The brunette answered honestly.

"I see. Describe your relationship with your dad for me."

"His dad jokes are awful and he always makes sure I'm safe. He's always been kind to me."

"Okay, is there anything else you can think of that might make you feel sad?"

"I don't really feel like people see me for who I really am. My um old friends and people from school always liked to put labels on me and I could never escape from them. I just want people to see me for who I am." Kali explained.

"Do you remember some of the labels they put on you?" The older woman asked gently.

"Creepy, weird, girl with anger issues, and bitch. They saw me hit my brother once and assumed I would hit someone else if I got angry."

"Kali, it sounds like you believe that these labels actually describe you. While I'm sure that's not true, you need to believe that in order to feel better. Would you like to meet once a week? I can give you something to do each week and we can discuss it at a later date?"

"Um yeah. That sounds nice." Kali responded.

"Okay, for this week, I want you to get some sticky notes and every time you have a bad thought about yourself, write it down. Then I want you to cross it out and write the opposite below it. Hang these around your room and on your mirrors." Dr. Thompkins instructed.

"So if I think I'm weak, I cross it out and write strong?"

"Yep. You got it. See you next week. Make sure to schedule your next appointment at the counter or over the phone."

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