Chapter 16

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The rain hit loudly against the window as Jayda watched out into the open field as her math teacher rambled on about the quadratic formula or whatever. Jayda sighed as she wishes that she was home enjoying a nice nap while it rained outside. Adriana had skipped this class today leaving Jayda all alone since she didn't talk to anyone else in the class.

Cuddles from Yoongi is all she can really imagine while rain fell down down her large bedroom window that showed the perfect view of the sky. Jayda smiled to herself thinking about him, they have spent so much time even though the two have been quite busy with the basketball season starts next weekend. He still made time for her.

The class was so quiet today, usually people would be talking while the Coach was teaching or the Josh kid would attempt to be the class clown but knocked out in the back. Jayda looked around as half the class wasn't paying attention to a word his was saying. Usually Jayda would be paying attention but she just wasn't in the mood.

The classroom door opens up abruptly making everyone shift as Principal Akins comes walking in the class, her heels and keys clacking but she is followed by a very pretty girl making the whole class pay attention. She had long black hair that had some brown highlights, she looked Asian but she has a some noticeable European features but nether less she was gorgeous.

Her outfit was basic but still made her stand out by the way the white body suit outlined her slim but somewhat curvy body and breast. Jayda could tell she was on the wealthy as she analyzed the Chanel trainers on her feet and the tiny Chanel bag across her chest and Louis Vuitton backpack.

"Sorry to interrupt your class, Coach but we have a new student today. Nicole Chang" Mrs. Akins introduced her.

"Welcome to Algebra and you can take a seat at any open desk" Coach said to the new girl.

The girl eyes wondered as she set eyes on the seat in front of Jayda. The girl made her way to the empty seat as the whole class eyes were set on her as she walks down the row. Luckily she didn't take Adriana unassigned assigned seat because she would throw a fit.

Jayda continues to stare into space and barely pay to the lesson as she just scrolled on her phone until class was dismissed.



"So do you have a date for the halloween party this weekend?" Taehyung asked as the two walked side by in the almost crowded hallway.

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