Birthday Present ~ Song Yaxuan

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I smiled widely as my friends sang to me. This is the best birthday for me.

"Happy birthday!" They shouted as they finished singing.

"Thank you! Thank you!" I said joyfully.

"Come on, blow out your candles, birthday girl." Yaxuan, the guy who's filming everything, said and nodded his head towards my birthday cake.

Clasping my hands and closing my eyes, I smiled and made my wish. 'I wish our friendship will stay strong.' I blew hard and they cheered.

"I bet your wish is that he will also like you." Junlin teased which made my friends tease me. 

"I still don't knnow who she likes. Do you?"

"Not a clue."

"I think I know who."

Some are still curious on who I like. Sometimes they assume that I like Yaxuan, but in reality, it's Haoxiang.

I started to slice the cake and gave each of them a plate. I sat beside Yaxuan. We were laughing in the middle of our conversation when Yaowen excused me.

"What is it?" I asked him once we were outside.

"Jiejie, here's my present for you. Don't open it unless Yaxuan says something important, okay? We worked hard on that one, really." He smiled and lent me a small handmade gift box. 

I accepted it and ruffled his hair, "Sure." I decided to ask Yaxuan about the gift box. "Xuan'er, what's this about?" I lifted the gift box in my hand to give him context about my question.

He sighed and let go of the fork before looking at me, "I have something to tell you."

"What is it?"

"Can I tell it privately? Just the two of us?"

"Sure. Let's go to the garden."

I stood up and he followed me. As we reached the garden, I sat down on the long swing and patted the space beside me, telling him to sit. He did and smiled at me.

"So, what is it?"

He took a deep breath before looking at me, "I like you." He nodded his head towards the gift box.

I opened it and it was an explosion box. There were pictures of us, pictures of me, and letters. In the middle of it, there was another tiny box. I opened it and there lays a necklace.

"I made those for you. I also earned enough money to buy you a necklace that I think would really suit you."

I looked at him with guilt, "I'm sorry."

"It's okay if you don't like me back."

"I'm really sorry. I like Haoxiang."

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