Baseball ~ Ding Chengxin

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The sunlight hit my face as my glasses glint while I was passing by the school field. Two books were in my embrace, I borrowed the books from the library. I stopped for a moment to look at the school field.

The baseball team was having a meeting. I must admit, the baseball team members have looks. No wonder a lot of girls in our school have liked them. After a minute or so, they began to scatter to their places and started practicing. I, on the other hand, continued to walk.

As I walked, thinking which book I should read first, someone shouted, "Watch out!" I looked at the baseball team and saw a ball coming right into my face. After that, I blacked out.


I woke up and recognized that I was in the infirmary. My head ached when I tried to move, but I insisted and sat down while holding onto my head. 'What happened?' I thought to myself as I tried to recall why I ended up in the infirmary. 'Ah, yes. That ball. Cheese and crackers.'

A boy from the baseball team suddenly opened the curtain with an ice bag in his hand. He handed it to me. "Here, take it."

I hesitantly took it from him and put it on the spot where it hurts - probably where the ball had hit me.

"I'm sorry for hitting you with the ball."

I couldn't speak. My introverted self wouldn't let me.

"And I'm sorry to break your glasses."

I don't know what to say, but in my mind, I've been nagging him.

"Wait, aren't you the girl in the back row?"

And aren't you the famous guy from our class?

"Why, yes you are!"

Of course I am, idiot.

"I'm Ding Chengxin."

I know.

He stretched his hand for a shake, but I just stared at it. When he noticed I obviously don't have any plans to accept it, he sighed and suddenly took my hand and shook it with his. I was shocked at first. No guy ever held hands with me aside from my father and brother.

The nurse came in and asked a few questions and gave me a few advices before discharging me from the infirmary. The nurse even suggested that someone should at least fetch me or walk me home. My brother is probably at school because he has dance practice. Dad and Mom are probably at work.

"Let me walk you home." He offered.

"I can go on my own." I spoke.

"I insist."

I didn't argue any further because I know that his stubbornness is better than mine. We walked all the way to my house.


"That... is my house." I softly said as I pointed at our house. "You can go now."

"At least let me see you go in your house so that I may know that you are safe."

"No need."

"Then let me see you walk in that house from here."

I just sighed and walked to our house. Before going in, I saw him at the same spot. He waved his hand... arm, I meant, and smiled. I just ignored him and went in the house.

Ding Chengxin, huh?

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