Notes ~ Ding Chengxin

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I screamed and cheered as Ding Chengxin got the ball and rushed towards the other side of the court to shoot it. I watched dreamily as my crush effortlessly scored another point for the team. We all cheered when he scored another just a few second before the timer goes off, making them win.

I sighed dreamily and remembered I have to give him something to drink afterwards... secretly. I rushed out of the gymnasium and went to the cafeteria to buy him a bottle of water and a small carton of milk.

I stuffed the bottle of water and carton of milk in there with notes on it, such as congratulations and good job. After that I hurriedly locked it.

I walked back to the gymnasium to congratulate him and the team. He smiled and thanked me, which made my heart flutter. We went to the classroom where our class rests during Sports Fests like this.

"I'll go get something from my locker." Chengxin announced. "I'll be back."

"Okay." I nodded.

I sneakily followed him jut to see how he'll react when he sees my notes. He opened the locker and I hid behind a wall beside the stairs. He took out the bottle of water I bought for him and took the note. He took the note and read it.

He smiled at it and took out a small purse then put it in there. But then, someone bumped into him, making the purse in his hands fall.  When it fell, there were notes in there. Then, one note flew towards me. I picked it up and saw that it was my note last time when he was resting in the clinic, it was my 'get well soon' note. Wait, aren't all of those my notes?

I calmed myself down and walked up to him, he was kneeling on the floor and picking up the notes one by one. I handed him the note that flew towards me just now and he looked up at me.

"Looks like you have trouble here." I teased and bent down to help him, also to see if those are really my notes for almost everyday. Affirmative, they're all my sticky notes.

"Not that much, someone bumped into me and then boom!" He said as he opened his arms and made a circle while looking at me with his eyes wide and saying 'boom'. I chuckled at his cuteness.

"So, what are these anyways? They seem important to you."

"Sticky notes, as you can see. Well, someone has been putting food in my locker with notes." He said and put some of my notes in his purse.

"Ooh, looks like a secret admirer you got there!" I teased.

"How did you know?"

I raised my eyebrow and pointed at a note I was holding, which is mine. "Look, there's a 'from Secret Admirer!'" I said and shoved it in his face.

"Oh, yeah." He smiled cheekily. We finished picking up the notes and put it in his purse. We headed to the cafeteria afterwards to eat.

As we stepped inside, fangirls crowded us - I mean him. He's a campus crush after all. They gave him food, letter, and gifts. I held his hand and pulled him out of the crowd. I always do that, especially when there are events, but I can't help myself having the feeling of floating in the air with him.

We went to a table and started eating once we bought our food. "So, do you know who your secret admirer is?" I asked him with my mouth full.

"No clue at all." He said and took a bite.

"Would you be her boyfriend if you knew who she is?" I asked.

"No," he started and sipped on his juice.  "But if it's you, I'd probably be your boyfriend." He said and grinned.

"What if it was me?"

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