Booth ~ Zhang Zhenyuan

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Zhenyuan stretched out his arms and grunted. "Finally, school's over! Now I can play video games all day long!"

"No, dimwit, you can't. There are tons of homework and we still need to decorate the booth."

"But I wanna go home!"

"Come on." I groaned and dragged him home since we're going to make decorations for the booth.

I've liked him for so long, but I never bothered confessing. I don't want to ruin our friendship.

As we got home, I carried the art supplies from upstairs and brought it to the living room. "Aiya, why can't we just let them decorate it?" He complained while folding red papers.

We worked in silence as we made decorations for the booth. 'Gosh, this is tiring.' I sighed and stretched.

"Why can't they just make their own? They're bothering us."

"It's tasked to us so," I just shrugged. "But let's hurry and finish these, I still have homework to do."


Next day came and I went to school with the box of decorations. I saw Zhenyuan by the school gates talking to someone. I didn't mind him and just continued to walk.

"You're finally here." He greeted.

"Help me with this box, Zhenyuan." I commanded and used my right leg to make the box jump to adjust it in my arms.

"Okay." He smiled and carried the box for me. "Ah, it's finally Valentine's Day!"

"It's just another normal day." I plainly said.

"No, it's not. Trust me." He winked and ran towards our room. I flustered at his action and just shook it off.

I went up to my classroom and saw them already decorating the room with hearts and balloons. I just sat in the corner of the room and readied the other things needed for the booth.

"For you, milady." Someone suddenly said as he gave me a red rose. I don't remember him being my classmate, why is he in our room? "It's from someone."

"Bu- who- ?"

"Bye!" He waved and left the room, leaving me in confusion.

I stared at the single red rose and just put it aside my desk. A few minutes have passed and Zhenyuan came over to my seat to place a chocolate bar on my desk. "Huh, what's this for?"

"You must be hungry so I grabbed some for you since you look so busy with all the lettering and decorating." He said as he placed a plastic bag full of snacks and drinks from the cafeteria. After that, he walked away and started helping the others with sticking heart-shaped papers on the wall.

As time flew by, I was finally done with my task. I stretched my arms and legs with a grunt escaping my lips. Now, the booths are finally open. This year, our batch was chosen to create booths this Valentine's.

I just stayed in the music room listening to songs with my earphones on. I lied down on the wooden floor with my arms spread across and eyes closed. I think I deserve to be given some time alone after putting all my efforts for our booth.

The door suddenly opened so I opened my eyes to see who it was. "I knew I'd find you here!" He said.

"What do you want?" I asked and closed my eyes again.

"Come with me!" He pulled me up and drag me downstairs. He ran as he dragged me so I had no choice but to run too.

"Where are you taking me?!"

"To one of the best booths ever made this Valentine's Day!" We went inside a room and I was suddenly handcuffed with Zhenyuan.

"What's this?!"

"Handcuffs, duh."

The two of us were suddenly pushed to the center in front of a boy with a book in his hands. "What's this? A ritual?!" I frantically asked.

The boy in front of us suddenly announced that this is a wedding ceremony.

"Do you take her as your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

Zhenyuan answered, "I do."

Okay, I'm ready to shout 'I do not'.

"You may now hug the bride."

"Hold on, aren't you going to ask m- ?"

Zhenyuan then hugged me. "I can finally confess!" The crowd, more like the staff students, kept silent. "I like you."

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