Dense ~ Ma Jiaqi

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I made my way to my seat and as always, this one guy caught my attention again just as my eyes caught sight of him.

Ma Jiaqi was there, reading a book with his head resting on the palm of his hand. He then looked up with his eyes and met mine, which made me look away and blush as I shuffled to my seat.

Ma Jiaqi's hard to read. Sometimes we talk like we're close friends, sometimes we act like we're total strangers. Sometimes he would let me in his life, sometimes, he won't.

Most of the time he'll teasingly bully me, sometimes I'll catch him staring at me, he rarely shows his emotions. Most of the time he has a poker face on.

His mysterious aura really knows how to draw me in. I've developed feelings for him when I started to notice that he somehow shows emotions whenever he's with me. He rarely does that to our classmates.


Lunch came. It's always a habit of mine to go check my locker ever since the day someone kept putting my favorite food and letters in it. I really need to buy a padlock for my locker. As I opened it, I saw a small chocolate box and a post card on top of it.

I took the chocolate box and post card. The post card has characters from my favorite anime Tamako Market. Does this person know I like that series, or is it just a coincidence?

I flipped it to see if there were any writings on it.

Meet me at the school field. Now.

I didn't think twice and just ran for it. I'm really curious about that person who keeps on sending me these. Good thing they finally decided to reveal their identity to me. Although this is flattering, I still need to know who this is. What if it's just one of my crazy friends who likes to pull pranks on me?

I arrived at the school field and only saw Jiaqi using his phone. I put my hands on my knees and panted. I only brought the post card with me.

He looked at me weirdly. "Why are you in such a hurry?"

"This." I panted as I lifted the post card. "Is there anyone else here other than you?"

He raised his eyebrows at me. "You're so dense."


"I was the one who sent you that. I was the one who always sent those letters in your locker. Can't you feel it? That you're the one I like? Can't you tell by the way I step out of my comfort zone for you and only you? I like you. I really do."

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