20: A Dream?

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It's almost been a week since Yaxuan confessed. I still can't stop blushing whenever his voice rings in my mind, telling me he likes me. This must be a miracle. Nothing really changed much after a few days have passed since the confession, except I would blush more whenever I'm with him. For the first two or three days, we were really shy around one another.

We decided to keep things private, I agreed, of course, since I know that spreading it would mean that his reputation as an idol could be ruined. The other members found out about it two days after the confession. They noticed how much Yaxuan and I were too shy around each other. Yaxuan has been ranting to me that lately the other members have been teasing him an awful lot.

The thought that he likes me too never left my mind ever since that day. I've been dreaming about his confession almost every night. My feelings... have been reciprocated by my idol. Song Yaxuan likes me back! We're not together, but we're both well aware that we like each other. That's already enough for me right now. This is a one-in-a-million chance that I'll never regret taking.

I dreamily sighed and smiled to myself. Remembering the words he said that night always makes me flushed. I started chuckling to myself. 'He likes me.'

Xiaying poked my side, making me flinch. "What's gotten into you these days? Did something good happen?"

I hummed in confusion. "What do you mean? I'm perfectly normal."

"How is chuckling and smiling to yourself, normal?"

"I was?"

"You didn't even notice?! You've been really happy lately."

"I am?"

"Let me guess." She crossed her arms under her chest and looked up to think. "You're in love."

"I guess I am." I shrugged and smiled. I don't even want to deny that I like Song Yaxuan. What's important is that he likes me back.

"You are?!" Exclaimed Xiaying. "With who?"

"Not telling." I replied in a teasing manner.

She whined and pleaded. "I wanna know who!"

"It's a secret."

"Did I hear something about secrets?" Qiba cut in. It looks like he just got back from the cafeteria. He was still munching on his bread. "What's this secret I'm hearing?"

"Nothing," Xiating plainly said, "now go away."

"Eh? You're not the boss of me."

The two of them continued bickering in front of me so I sneakily left the scene and went to the school garden. I always wanted to visit that place again after the first time I went there. It's just so majestic to stroll by in the school garden. As I neared the school garden, I saw the lady that helped me on the first day of school. I also saw a figure of a student that's... helping?

I couldn't see his face because he wasn't facing my way, but I could already tell who that student is. What is Yaxuan doing here? I walked to the school garden and looked at the flowers as I slowly walked. He still hasn't noticed I'm here.

As he turned around with a watering can in hand, He saw me and jumped a bit in surprise. "Selin, what brings you here?"

"I wanted to see the flowers in the garden. And you?"

"Oh, I started to help around here whenever I have free time. I started out just this week."

So that explains why sometimes he suddenly disappears during lunch. "May I help too?"

"Sure! Aunt Guo here would be really glad." He smiled.

I took another watering can and we started watering the plants together. "Thank you, kids." The lady, Aunt Guo, said. "You two are very kind."

"No problem, Aunt Guo. It's our pleasure to help around!" Yaxuan replied.

"You look cute together."

That single sentence made me stop on what I was doing and turned me red. I even felt Yaxuan stop too. We both looked at each other, only to see that we were both red. Because of my embarrassment, I waved the watering can at him. "Don't look at me!"

"Hey!" He exclaimed. He pulled up his shirt a bit to see the splashes of water on him. "You wetted me!"

I widened my eyes and put down the watering can to rush to him. "I'm extremely sorry, I - !" I got cut off because he did the same to me, only difference is it's my face that's wet.

He laughed at what he did as I wiped the water from my face. Most of the water also dripped on my shirt so we were both wet. "Oops." He sarcastically said.

"I'll handle the rest, you should both change clothes." Aunt Guo cued in, taking the watering can that I put down. "Thank you for helping me. Lunch is almost over, you should hurry and change clothes."

"Yes, Aunt Guo." We said in sync. He put the watering can down and we both walked out.

"My hair is wet too!" I complained.

"Your fault." Yaxuan laughed.

"Aiya, how is it my fault? I was just... "

"Just what, hm?" He inched closer to my face and squinted his eyes at me.


"You're as red as a tomato again, just like a while ago." He laughed.

"As if you weren't too!"

We teased each other on our way back. I rally treasure moments like this. I could really feel that there's something between us. Something that only we could understand. I'd like to keep it that way.

When we were finally in the corridors, close to our room, I remembered something. "Wait." I said as I stopped on my tracks. It made him stop too so he looked at me with a tilted head. "I don't have an extra shirt. Should I just cut classes and let this dry first?"

He sighed and ruffled my hair. "Don't worry, I have my jacket here. You can wear it for now."

Wear... ? I'll wear Song Yaxuan's jacket? I feel like melting on the spot.

I flustered. "Are you sure?"

"Well, I have another shirt, but I doubt that it will fit you just right." He said, comparing our height difference with his hand.

I glared at him and lightly slapped his hand.

He laughed and patted my head. "I'll go get the jacket. Wait here."

I obeyed and waited patiently for him. Am I dreaming? I never knew that coming here to Chongqing wouldn't be so bad. In fact, it's like I'm living the dream of a thousand fans. I get to wear Yaxuan's jacket. It'll feel like I'm in his embrace for a long time as I wear that jacket.

I smiled to myself and looked down as I fidget around. I still can't believe it. Song Yaxuan likes me too. He likes me back. This all feels like a dream that I never want to wake up from.

"Selin." He called out.

I looked up at him and walked towards him. He placed his navy blue jacket around my shoulders as I face him. We stared at each other for a second before breaking eye contact. "Thank you." I mumbled.

His ears are red. How cute.

"You can go first. I still have to change." He quickly said, holding onto his extra shirt and jogged his way to the restroom.

I held onto his jacket and looked at it as if it's the greatest treasure in the world. Yaxuan's been feeding me butterflies ever since that day. I could just die right now from too much joy. My heart is so full. I'm glad that I met him. I really like him, after all.

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