8: Dating Rumor

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Yaxuan's P.O.V

"How was your day?" Chengxin started as soon as the van took off. It was already dark and rain started pouring.

"It was fun." I answered. They all focused on me as I started to tell them how my day went.

" - Selin looked at the cotton candy like a kid who wants candy so bad - "

"Xuan'er," Zhenyuan called but I kept going.

"And when we were watching T.V., Pororo's theme song played, she sang along too." I laughed. "I couldn't control myself and laughed at how she was having having fun with Pororo. It's just like when Yaowen watched Peppa Pig!"

"Hey, why am I suddenly involved?" Yaowen butted in.

Zhwnyuan called me again and I looked at him. "Are you sure you're telling us how your day went?"

"I am. Weren't you listening?" I chuckled.

"Name one time you didn't mention Chou Selin in your story."

My ears turned red. "What do you mean?"

"You've been mentioning that name every time you tell another story."

"Yeah, who is Chou Selin?" Haoxiang asked.

All of them focused their eyes on me. "What?"

Chengxin Gege suddenly said, "Look at that poor girl. I think she doesn't have an umbrella with her."

We looked at where he pointed and I noticed that her figure was familiar. I squinted my eyes at the figure under the tree. "Let's stop at that spot!" I hurriedly told the driver and pointed at the tree.

"No u-turns, Xuan'er."

"Then let's just stop across that spot. We have an umbrella right?"


The staff handed me the umbrella and I slid the door open after wearing my cap.

"You know her?" Xiaoma Ge asked but I chose to ignore. I'm too focused on helping Selin.

She looked at me and widened her eyes. "Yaxua- "

"You have no umbrella with you? You might catch a cold or even a fever. Come on, I'll drop you to your house." I said with concern and put my hand on her shoulder while my other hand was holding the umbrella.

I knocked on the door and waited for Haoxiang to open the door.

"No, no, no, no, no! Really, it's fine."

I looked at her. "I insist."

Haoxiang finally slid the door open. She stared at the other members for seconds before Jiaqi said, "What are you still doing there? Get in or you'll get sick."

"My clothes are wet. I might wet your seat." She said anxiously.

"It's fine. Hurry up and get in." Chengxin Gege said.

I hopped in first and I held her hand for support. She hesitantly climbed in and sat down on the seat beside me.

Junlin tapped her from behind and lent her his jacket. "Here, take this."

She shyly took it and covered her front. "Thank you." She shivered.

"Do you know each other?" Haoxiang asked, pertaining to Selin and I.

She nodded. "We're classmates."

Jiaqi nodded to himself. "What's your name, miss?"

"I'm Chou Selin."

Hearing the name, they all mischievously looked at me. I facepalmed and tried to ignore the way they tease me.

As soon as we dropped her off, they all went crazy and started teasing me about Selin.

"She's just a classmate." I defended.


I went in the car and went to the dorm. I arrived there at noon. I went to the dining table to eat lunch. Jiaqi and Yaowen then walked to me.

"Yaxuan, our manager wants to talk to you." Jiaqi said.

"Why?" I asked and chewed on my food.

"Let him see it." Xiaoma Ge said while he nodded his head towards Yaowen's phone. Yaowen nodded and gave me his phone. I looked at the screen and it was a post of one of my fans with pictures of me and Selin.

: I went to the theme park with my friends and saw Song Yaxuan! But I saw him with a girl. At night, while I was waiting by the bus stop, I saw Yaxuan went to the same girl under a tree and he talked to her then he held her and went in the van! Song Yaxuan, are you dating someone already? The fish sisters are worried!

Jiaqi accompanied me to our manager's office. He knocked on the door before opening it and we went in.

The manager faced us and looked at me sternly. "Song Yaxuan, What's with the issue? It's on top of the Hottest Section in your fanbase." He said and showed me the post that I saw a while ago.

"Sir, she's just my classmate."

"Even if you tell them that she's your classmate, your fans will still think that you're dating her."

"Um, sir?" Jiaqi Gege interrupted. "Based on the pictures, for me, she looks like she's Yaxuan's assistant, so why don't we hire her as Yaxuan's personal assistant?"

He looks closely at the pictures and he agreed. "That'll do. Do you have her number, Yaxuan?"

"Only her account on WeChat." I answered.

"Great, then tell her to meet you at the Starbucks nearby and just go here." He instructed. "You can go with him, if you want." He said, referring to Xiaoma Ge.

We stood up and bowed before going out of his office. I sighed in relief. "You saved me back there. I thought I would be a dead meat!"

Jiaqi just chuckled and reminded me that I have to tell Selin about meeting him today. I tapped on Selin's contact and dialed her. After a few rings, she finally answered.

"Hello?" She spoke.

"Selin," I started, "are you free today?"

"Yes. Why?"

"Meet me at Starbucks."

"Which Starbucks?"

"Just across from TFentertainment. Do you know where TFentertainment is?"

"I don't know where it's located."

"You can just tell the driver to go to Starbucks near TFentertainment."

"Okay." She paused for a moment. "When?"


"What?!" I can feel her panicking. I tried to hold in my laugh. "It'll take me at least 30 or 40 minutes to get there."

"I can wait, Ms. Chou." I teased, smiling to myself.

"Okay then. I'll get ready."

"See you there." I hung up and put my phone inside the pocket of my hoodie.

"Someone's blushing." Jiaqi grinned.

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