4: Too Embarrassed

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Celine's P.O.V

I already had a weird feeling as soon as I stepped on the schoolgrounds. Probably because this is new to me. Luckily, I passed on the first school I took an entrance exam with. I went to the crowd where they were circling a bulletin board, it's probably where the sections were posted. I excused myself and I heard some girls whisper that Yaxuan is also here, looking for his designated room.

As I have finally reached the bulletin board, I smiled to myself and sighed in relief. I looked up and used my finger to point at the names. As I followed my finger, I touched another finger. I looked at who it was, he was tall so I had to look up. He looked back at me and I widened my eyes. It's Song Yaxuan.

Did I just touch Song Yaxuan?! Is he studying in this school too?!

I bowed down and apologized before taking a step to the left so that we will have space from each other. I carefully looked at the lists to find my name, Chou Selin. I didn't see it so I had to go to the other side, which Yaxuan was occupying. I awkwardly smiled. "Uhm, excuse me." I mumbled as I carefully went to his other side. As I finally saw my name on a list, I pointed at the list and exclaimed. "Eureka!"

They all looked at me, including Yaxuan. I looked back at them awkwardly and bowed down again, but I bumped the board as I bowed down, making me fall on my face. They even made way for me to land on the floor. What a great way to start the day at this new school. Some of the students were snickering.

I pushed my hands on the floor for support and stood up, dusted my uniform and awkwardly walked away and went to the third floor where my room is. A few minutes have passed and they're still not here.

I looked at my wrist watch and it's already 7:30. No one's still here. A janitor then went in with his mop. "What are you doing here?"

"Isn't this - ?"

"Weren't you informed that all of the students should go to the auditorium first before going to class?"

I shook my head and slowly stood up as I took my bag with me. I asked him where the auditorium is. He told me the way with hand gestures so I started my way to the auditorium, but since I'm bad at directions, I got a little lost.

I saw a gardener watering the plants. I went near her and asked where the auditorium is. "You must be new here." She said as she chuckled. She pointed the auditorium just across from us and I thanked her.

I opened the door to the auditorium and the student on the stage stopped talking. They all looked at me and I bowed for the third time of the day. A teacher went near me and asked, "Are you late?"

I shook my head.

"What year level are you?"

"Grade 12." I answered.

She told me to go to the row with girls wearing green ribbons on their hair. "The vacant seat B-13 is your seat. You're the only student that is not there so I guess you are the one who should be seated there."

I thanked her and started making my way towards the girls and boys with green ribbons. I excused myself as I made my way to seat B-13. I slumped down on the seat and hugged my bag.

A girl gave me a green ribbon and said, "Here, wear this."

I accepted it and tied it on my shoulder-length hair. I looked to my left and saw a girl that's been glancing at the one on my right. I got curious so I looked at the one on my right. I looked up since he's quite tall. He looked back at me and I widened my eyes in surprise. I averted my eyes to the student who was giving a speech onstage.

My heart is racing; I feel my cheeks heating up. I pursed my lips and closed my eyes. I exhaled and opened my eyes before slapping myself softly.

"Hey, are you alright?" Yaxuan asked, showing concern.

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