10: Lunch

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I was reading a book that I borrowed from the library while the class was being chaotic. Teacher Kang suddenly stepped in the room and said, "Good morning."

We stood up and bowed. "Good morning, Teacher Kang."

He told us that we may now take our seats. Once we were all seated, he instructed us to find a partner for today's activity. "Oh, also," he added, "your partners will be your pair for the rest of the semester."

"Yes, Teacher Kang."

"Now go find your partner and let's go to the gymnasium."

Someone suddenly pulled a small section of my hair and it made me look from behind. "Will you be mine?" Yaxuan asked.

I blushed. I feel like my mind was suddenly not functioning well. "Pardon?"

"Oh, sorry." He sheepishly smiled. "I mean, can we pair up for P.E.?"

I slowly nodded, still not able to process what he said earlier.

"Okay, those who have pairs, please line up outside quietly." Teacher Kang announced, emphasizing the last word.

We went out of the room and patiently waited for the others. I distanced myself a bit from him but he put his hand on my head and moved me beside him. "Guys would think you're not yet taken, and they might take you away from me."

I know what he means but, why do I give it another meaning? After some time, our classmates came out by pair. Teacher Kang went out too and told us to align the line. We went to the gymnasium and I followed Yaxuan behind by a meter.

Wuxian suddenly tapped me by the shoulder and asked, "Selin, do you have a partner already? We could be partners."

Someone's hand was on my head once again and I think I know who that is. "Sorry, but she's with me. Aren't you partners with Shiwen? Shiwen's over there."

Wuxian just looked at Yaxuan then went to Shiwen.


Teacher Kang dismissed us and instructed us to go back to the room. I stood up and walked out of the gymnasium. Someone suddenly called out for my name. I halted and looked back, I saw Wuxian catching up with me.

We went back to class and our Chemistry teacher was already there waiting. The class started and after an hour, Math was next and after that, it was finally lunch. I took out my wallet and swiftly exited the classroom.

As I was about to make my to the cafeteria, I felt someone grab me by the shoulder. It made me flinch and I froze in my place. "Where do you think you're going?"

I slowly turned around and sheepishly smiled at him. "I was just too hungry I couldn't wait for you guys anymore."

Yaxuan chuckled at my reasoning and ruffled my hair. "Let's go together."

I don't get it sometimes. It's just that Yaxuan treats me differently from the other girls. I know that he hangs out with me the most because I'm his P.A but I would highly appreciate it if he lessens it a bit. I'm starting to give myself false hope, and it might just hurt me.

We went to the cafeteria and Yaxuan decided he'll be the one getting food while I stay at the table so it doesn't get stolen. Soon enough, he came back with our food. "Eat up."

I carefully took the chopsticks and started taking some veggies. "How much is this?"

"Are you planning to pay me back? It's my treat."

"Thank you."

"It's the least I can do. You always go with me even if you're already tired."

"That's what personal assistants do." I chuckled.

"I - "

"What do personal assistants do?" A voice suddenly asked from behind. Yaxuan looked up and I turned around.

"Oh, Qiba." I nervously greeted.

He put down his tray one seat apart from me and sat down before looking at us suspiciously. "Why are you guys talking about personal assistants?"

"They're talking about what?" Xiaying asked while walking towards our table. She sat across from Qiba. "Personal assistants?"

"Yeah. I heard Selin mentioning the personal assistant stuff."

"Selin, why did you mention about the personal assistant thing?" Xiaying asked and looked at me curiously.

"Oh, uh- because- uh- I- he- they- ugh!" I ruffled my hair in frustration and took a big bite of rice, which made my cheeks puff out.

The whole table laughed at how I looked like. Wuxian and Shiwen also walked into the scene which made them laugh as they sat down. "It's because I'm not used to having a personal assistant, so I asked some advice from her." Yaxuan explained.

"From her?" Wuxian pointed at me. "Does she know anything about being a personal assistant?"

Even if my mouth was full, I know I have to save Yaxuan from our little lie. I covered my mouth and said, "I waff too mosh KPOP en shtuff and I fink fershonal ashishtans aw juz yayk ma-eup arfists, oweys fowoling 'em awound to make shurr they wook goo. Ayso va shtaff mebers who keep jem safe fwom stalkewrs."

(I watch too much KPOP and stuff and I think personal assistants are just like makeup artists, always following them around to make sure they look good. Also the staff members who keep them safe from stalkers.)

After a moment of speech, they stared at me and laughed again. "We could hardly understand what you said!" Shiwen laughed gracefully as she covered her mouth.

"Well," Xiaying started after she finally calmed down, "you do have a point. But I think personal assistants are more like idols' maids."

I shook my head. "I don't think so."

"Maybe it depends on who the idol is." Qiba shrugged. "Yaxuan said he has a personal assistant. It depends on how their relationship is."

Yaxuan and I looked at each other for a brief moment. That made me wonder, what's my relationship with Yaxuan now?

"My personal assistant is nice, I don't really boss her around that much. She just has to accompany me whenever it's needed." Yaxuan spoke up.

"That must be nice then!" Xiaying said. She and Qiba continued talking about personal assistants while Wuxian joins in every now and then.

Shiwen started talking to Yaxuan and I just quietly ate my lunch while they all talked about different things.

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