3: First Encounter

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Cess and I became closer, even though we haven't seen each other personally. She also found out recently that I currently live in Chongqing, where she'll be studying next school year.

TheLittlePrincess_: ALEX!!

LittleFishy_304: Hm?


LittleFishy_304: I'm in Guangzhou today:(

TheLittlePrincess_: :((

LittleFishy_304: But I'll be going back to Chongqing really soon!
LittleFishy_304: Hope I can see you at the airport HAHA
LittleFishy_304: But I don't know what you look like :')

TheLittlePrincess_: My flight is here

LittleFishy_304: Have a safe trip!

TheLittlePrincess_: You too :)

I smiled as I read her message that she's finally going to Chongqing. Mom noticed me smiling at my phone so she went near me. "Looks like my son is really growing up."

"What do you mean, Ma? She's just a friend."

"Just a friend, hmm? That sentence was the first sentence your dad usee to describe me when he introduced me to his parents." I looked at her in confusion and she just ruffled my hair and chuckled. "Hurry up and pack your things. You still need to catch a flight later."

"Yes, Ma." I said as I stood up and went to my room. I saw my little brother on my bed, jumping up and down as he said, "Yaxuan Gege has a girlfriend!"

"Now where did you get that information from?" I chuckled as I put him down.

He pointed at my computer by the study table where Xiaoma Ge and Xiaoding Ge were laughing their heads off.

"You two are such a bad influence to my brother!" I ended their video call and looked at my little brother who was mischievously chuckling behind me.

"Yaxuan? What's with the noise?" My father asked as he knocked on the door.

"Nothing, Pa."

"Oh, okay. And tell us when you're going to introduce your girlfriend to us!"

"Oh, he has a girlfriend?" I heard my mom interfere.

I face palmed as my whole family thought that I'm already in a relationship. I buried my face in my pillow, trying to hide my blush. This is so embarrassing.


I sat on one of the seats in the waiting area of the airport with my mom. "Is your girlfriend in Chongqing?"

"Yeah." I answered without giving it much thought.

When I realized that what my mom called Cess, I immediately widened my eyes and looked at her and she was grinning at me.

"I don't have a girlfriend! I only have a girl-space-friend and my girl-space-friend is in Chongqing already, I think."

My mom chuckled as I struggled to explain. "How did the two of you get to know each other?"

I told her the story from the very top and when I got to the point where she said that she's a fan of us and that she has a crush on me, my mom stopped me.

"So she's a fan of your group? And she has a crush on you?"

I nodded my head.

"Does she know that she's chatting with Song Yaxuan?"

"No. I'm not planning to tell her who I am. I mean, I trust her very much, she even said that she won't tell the other fans that my secret account is Song Yaxuan's account, but she would stop chatting with me If I tell her I'm Yaxuan. That kind of saddened me. I don't want to end our friendship just like that."

"Cheer up. I accept her already."

"As my friend?"

"As your girlfriend." She grinned.

I was about to protest when the announcer suddenly butted in through the speakers that the flight to Chongqing is now boarding. My mom stood up and dusted off the invisible dirt on my shoulder.

"Take care, son."

"You too, Ma. I have to go. Bye." My mom kissed my cheek and hugged me before letting me go.


As expected, my fans have been waiting for me with their cameras. As if on cue, another plane landed as I stepped out of the plane and into the tunnel. I smiled at the thought that Cess might be there too. I got out of the tunnel and heard the announcer say that the flight from Toronto, Canada to Chongqing, China has now landed.

I got a sudden feeling that Cess might be really there. I was about to look at the passengers going out of the tunnel when my fans crowded me. I sighed, my hopes of seeing her are crushed.

I just started to walk my way out of the airport, trying to shrug off the thought that I wouldn't be able to see Cess. A girl then walked beside the crowd, not that close. I felt her smile as she looked at me even though the mask was covering half of her face. I could tell by the way her eyes squinted. Her eyes were telling me she was smiling.

'Could you be the Cess I know?'

She fastened her pace and my eyes followed her figure. She then bumped into Xiaoma Ge, making me chuckle at her clumsiness. I went to Xiaoma Ge and he greeted me. "How was your flight?"

"Good." I answered briefly and changed the topic almst immediately as I looked at the girl, who has now hailed a taxi and went in. "Hey, did you see that girl's face clearly?"

"No. She didn't even dare to look up at me and let me say something. She just left after apologizing to me."

We both climbed on the van and I made myself comfy inside. My phone vibrated, signaling me that I have a new notification. When I read TheLittlePrincess_, I quickly unlocked my phone and looked at her message.

TheLittlePrincess_: Hey Alex!!!!

LittleFishy_304: What is it?? :0

TheLittlePrincess_: I just arrived here in Chongqing!
TheLittlePrincess_: Not just thaaaaaat

LittleFishy_304: What else? :00

TheLittlePrincess_: I SAW SONG YAXUAAAAAAAN!!!!

She saw me at the airport?! I knew it! I knew she was in that flight! But I don't know how she looks like, so I don't know if I saw her too. Too bad.

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