1: Anonymous

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Here in Canada, KPOP is the most famous genre for teens. For me, I'm into CPOP, and I'm a sucker for TFentertainment boy groups.

But I fell for TNT's Song Yaxuan the most.

I've known him since he joined Music Master Class Season 2, until he became a trainee in TFentertainment as a part of TFfamily and now, he's a member of one of the most famous boy groups in China, Teens in Times!

I can't help but admire him. I would literally smile like an idiot whenever I see him doing cute things in front of the camera. I find the other members cute too but, this guy stole my heart. I was lovestruck. It's like love at first sight for me.

"Celine, stop staring at Yaxuan on your phone or else you'll bump into someone. I'll surely laugh at you when that happens." Patricia said as she pronounced his name wrongly.

We walked inside 7/11 to meet up with our other friends. Denver and Kurt came in after a few minutes.

Once the both of them were seated, Kurt asked, "Who's staying and who's transferring?" They all answered that they were gonna stay.

I played with the bottle cap of my Coca Cola and responded, "I'm transferring schools."

"What?!" The boys exclaimed while Benedict choked on his drink.

"Sorry, guys. Parents' business. My mom got promoted in Fang Company and her branch was moved to Chongqing."


"Mom, Dad, I'm home!" I exclaimed.

"How was your day, Celine?" Mom greeted as she went out from the kitchen.

My parents don't go to work anymore because their manager gave them time to pack up. They'll be leaving earlier than me because have to start their work next week in Chongqing.

"It was fine." I said as I put down my bag on the couch by the living room.

"I made cookies and muffins. They're by the dining table." Mom said as she went upstairs to call Dad.

I went to the dining table and nibbled on some chocolate chip cookies. Dad came in the kitchen with my mom. "We'll be leaving the day after tomorrow, are you sure you'll be fine?"

"Of course!" I proudly said. "Can I invite my friends over when I don't feel brave enough though?"

"Of course. As long as you don't do anything stupid to the house, it's fine."


"Do your night routine and sleep after eating dinner, okay?" Mom instructed.

I nodded and went upstairs to my room and got changed before going downstairs to get a plate of cookies and muffins, also to get my bag that I left in the living room.

As I got to my room, I closed the door behind me using my foot and placed the plate on the study table. After that, I put down my bag beside my chair. I took out my phone and someone messaged me n Weibo. It was one of the followers on my dump account.

LittleFishy_304: Hi

TheLittlePrincess_: Who is this

LittleFishy_304: Little Fishy

TheLittlePrincess_: I mean... is that your real name?

LittleFishy_304: This is just my disguise hehe

TheLittlePrincess_: Are you some kind of spy or celebrity?

LittleFishy_304: Could be
LittleFishy_304: Aren't you afraid that you're chatting with someone you don't know at all?

TheLittlePrincess_: I'm used to having online friends

LittleFishy_304: Hmmm seems cool
LittleFishy_304: I'm Alex btw

TheLittlePrincess_: I'm Cess
TheLittlePrincess_: So why'd you end up sliding in my dms?

LittleFishy_304: I like your drawings and photos
LittleFishy_304: They're all really good!

TheLittlePrincess_: Thank you!

LittleFishy_304: The sceneries in your photos don't look like you're from China, are you from another country then?

TheLittlePrincess_: Yes:) I'm from Canada but I'm transferring schools in China soon

LittleFishy_304: Really? Where in China? :0

TheLittlePrincess_: Chongqing

LittleFishy_304: I think you'll make good friends there!
LittleFishy_304: Sorry I have to go
LittleFishy_304: Bye for now :D

TheLittlePrincess_: Bye Alex!

Alex? 304? Isn't Alex the one Yaxuan used in his old account? 304? As in March 4? Is he... Song Yaxuan?! That's impossible! Yaxuan would never make this kind of account. Must be a coincidence.

I decided to stalk him and he posts pictures, but he never shows his face. It isn't him. Never mind. I'm probably getting delusional. I'll just go to sleep and dream about them, especially Yaxuan.


Someone's P.O.V

I was chatting with an anonymous account when someone shouted, "Yaxuan! We have to go!"

"Okay!" I shouted back. I messaged the anonymous person that I have to go. I picked up my bag from the floor and swiftly got my jacket that was hanging on the chair before running out of the room.

"Yaxuan, time management please." Xiaoding Ge said.

"I bet he was sleeping this whole time." Zhenyuan teased.

"I wasn't!" I protested and put on my shoes.

Jiaqi Gege opened the door and I went out but then I was suddenly pulled back in. Junlin just looked at me, as if he was waiting for me to notice something.

"What?" I asked as I continued walking but then Yaowen pulled me back by the arm.

"Your mask, sir." He said.

I realized that I wasn't wearing my mask so I rushed to our room again and quickly got my mask. I ran back and smiled sheepishly. "Oops."

We then went in the van. "You've been acting weird today." Chengxin Gege said as he squinted his eyes on me.

"No I'm not."

"Your shoes are also not on the right foot." Yaowen said while trying to hold his laughter along with the other members.

I looked down on my shoes and I was shocked to see that my shoes really weren't on the right places. I bent down and hurriedly fixed my shoes while the others laughed. "What kind of drugs did you take when you were alone in the room?" junlin joked as I focused on my shoes.

I just playfully rolled my eyes and loudly sighed, "Haiya, I'm just an airhead living my life, okay?"

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