18: Meetup

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As I took a seat, I took out the textbooks and placed it under my desk. The other day, we planned out how I would confess to Cess. Yaowen suggested that I should watch romance anime series and see how they confess.

I also remember Yaowen saying that Selin watched some anime with him, so he advised me to ask some more tips from her. But, wouldn't it be weird asking for confession tips from someone I just rejected recently?

"Yaxuan." Selin called out and turned around to face me. She slid a sticky note on my desk and went back to writing notes.

The manager cancelled today's schedule.

Then today must be a perfect day to confess. I just have to hope we don't have too many homework today. I cheered silently and smiled, and noticed Selin looking at me.

"Selin!" I called. "Let's all have lunch together with Wuxian and the others."

"Um, sure?" She confusingly said and slowly went back to doing her thing.

I wonder what Cess would look like after she discovers that I am Alex. I can't believe I like someone I just met on the internet. But, that's possible, right?


It was finally lunch time. We all wrnt to the cafeteria to eat. I still need a few tips about confessing.

"I heard love confessions in anime can be funny. How come?" I started.

All of a sudden, Qiba and Xiaying started blabbering about funny love confessions in anime. I guess they have some things in common, huh?

"By the way," I slowly turned to Selin as she sat beside me and spoke in a low voice, making sure it's just us who can hear the conversation, "can you keep me company later? I have to go out and do something."

"What time, though?"

"I don't know yet. I'll update you about it, okay?"

"Sure." Selin went back to eating but she noticed Shiwen. "Are you feeling under the weather, Shiwen?"

Xiaying stopped laughing from the stuff she and Qiba were saying and placed her hand on Shiwen's shoulder. "Don't worry about her, she just lost the bet that's why!" She grinned and laughed again.

Qiba looked panicked and smacked Xiaying's back, making the latter wince in pain and look at him with her fiery eyes. "You're being too noisy." Qiba said.

"That's new." Wuxian said, to which Shiwen and I agreed.


As I was on my way back to the dorm, I messaged Cess.

LittleFishy_304:Hey Cess! Wanna hang out today? I'm finally free today :D

TheLittlePrincess_: Luckily I'm available today as well :)
TheLittlePrincess_: Where and when?

LittleFishy_304: Maybe 2 hours from now, so you still have time to prepare :)
LittleFishy_304: Let's go meet up at Kafei Jiayou

TheLittlePrincess_: Okay then! see you soon :D

I smiled at my screen and went to my closet to pick out an outfit already. I can sense her excitement just by reading her messages. I was excited too, I couldn't stop myself from smiling and humming songs.

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