17: Rejected

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Yaxuan's P.O.V

As I laid on my bed, I stared at the ceiling. I sighed and rested the back of my head on my arms. A few moments have passed and I ended up holding my phone, contemplating if I should message Selin.

Ma Ge then came in loosening his necktie. "Is something the matter?" He asked. "You look bothered." He looked over my phone and looked back at me. "It's about a girl, I see. Tell me what happened."

"See, Selin confessed and... I rejected her."

"I see. It's Selin, I'm sure she'd understa- "

I cut him off saying, "I told her I like someone else."

"You what?" He said in disbelief. "How come we don't know that you like someone?"

I hesitated before telling him, "I like Cess."

"So you've finally recognized your feelings for her. When do you plan to confess to her?"

"I don't know yet. I'm worried about Selin, though."

"She's an understanding girl, and you know that. Don't worry, we're here to comfort the both of you if needed."

Ma Ge left the room after leaving some more words. I laid back again with the back of my head resting on my hands.

I kept thinking about Selin. Why can't I somehow get her off my mind? She just suddenly appears when I zone out.

Maybe if I talk it out with Selin the next day, my bothered heart would finally be at ease. I just have to reassure it.

For now, I have to keep my mind at ease so I know what to do the next day. I just want things to be clear with Selin. It would make me feel guilty if she'd be gloomy tomorrow because of what happened this day.


It's been a week since Selin and I talked about what happened that day. We're both good now. The only thing that pisses me off is that Wuxian seems to be getting super close with her. I don't know why but it kind of annoys me.

"I'm guessing Wuxian is starting with his motives." I heard Xiaying say.

"Well, I guess it's his time to shine." Qiba replied. "Let's go and catch up with them."

The four of us went to the cafeteria and we all spotted Wuxian with a wide smile plastered on his face as he transfers food from his bowl to Selin's.

I don't like the way this is going. I can really sense that something is off with Wuxian. What if he sees her more than a friend?

We finished our lunch so we decided to go back to the classroom, but Wuxian excused himself that he'll use the restroom. I thought that now is the chance to clarify things, so I excused myself as well.

As we walked to the restroom, he started: "What does Selin like?"

'I don't know, me?' I mumbled, "Who knows?" He went to the sink and washed his hands as I did the same. "Hey, Wuxian."

He looked at me and hummed. "Yeah?"

"Do you like her?"

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