Chapter 6

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Above is Shanaya's dance performance. The video is not mine. Pretend the girl is wearing what Shanaya is wearing for her dance performance: tank top and leggings. No shoes. There's no lighting or screen in the background either.

Shanaya's POV:

I did something different to the rest. The girls mainly did ballet, which I hate so I didn't do it. The boys did street dance. So I did my own style.

Once I had finished, I looked up at the rest of the class and the teacher. They all were staring at me, their jaws hitting the ground.

Did I do that badly?

Slowly, the teacher started clapping, and one by one, the whole class started clapping. They were cheering and whistling for me. I smiled shyly as I tried to catch my breath. I was probably a tomato by then. The class finally calmed down and that's when the teacher spoke up.

'Shanaya, that was such a unique performance! I loved it!' she said excitedly, still clapping. I smiled, not wanting to speak because my heart was still racing.

Did I just do that?? Oh my God, I'm so proud of myself!!

I sat back down on the floor where the audience was sat down. People turned away from their conversations and started high fiving me. I was still smiling like an idiot.

The rest of the lesson went on, the performances were good, really good. I knew I wasn't the best but I was the only one that did a different performance from the rest. I didn't mind not being the best, as long as I improved and did well. I made new friends once again, and a few guy-friends that apologized for whistling at me at the beginning of the lesson. They were nice guys, and some were cute as well. Especially the guy called Austin. He had blonde hair and gorgeous blue eyes that sparkled whenever he laughed or smiled. He even gave me his number!

I left the lesson with a huge smile on my face. I went to my locker to dump my dance kit and my material from this morning's textiles lesson.

'You look happy,' someone said from behind me. Their mouth was really close to my ear, their breath fanning my left cheek. I jumped forward surprise, and the close proximity. While doing so, I somehow bumped my head against my locker door. I turned round to see which hooligan it was that made me bump my head against my locker whilst rubbing my forehead. There sure was going to be a bump their now.

Brooklyn stood there, clutching his stomach, laughing at me as I was groaning in pain. I let out a string of curse words.

'Shit, that fucking hurt. You motherfucking asshole, what the fuck were you trying to do? You fucking scared the shit out of me! You little piece of shit!' I exclaimed at him.

Instead of being offended, Brooklyn decided to find it even more hilarious and nearly fell over, still laughing. Whereas I, I was standing there, trying to calm down.

He slowly made his way over to me, still trying to control his laughter. As soon as he got within reach, I hit him on the arm, hard.

'Don't you ever do that again.'

'Oww... that hurt!' he whined, rubbing the area where I had hit him.

'Well that's what you get for scaring the shit out of me... asshole' I mumbled.

'Sorry, I wanted to see your reaction. And trust me, it was priceless.' he chuckled. I pouted, annoyed that he found my reaction so hilarious.

'Awwww... don't be mad, I'm only joking!' he said, rubbing my cheeks. I smiled at the action, fireworks going off on my face. I fought the blush crawling up my neck.

'When you pout, you look adorable by the way.' he said, grinning. That was it, I couldn't fight my blush anymore. When he saw my face, he pulled my cheeks.

'You look even more cuter with the blush on your face,' he chuckled, amused. I swatted his hand away from my face, trying to get rid of the excess redness from my face.

'So... what you doing here?' I questioned, once I could feel my face starting to go back to normal.

'Nothing, I just wanted to see what you were doing and scare you.' he grinned. I pouted again, and he chuckled.

'Oh yeah, I have a football game this Friday against another London college. Do you wanna come watch me play?' he said.

I shrugged, 'Well I guess I have nothing else to do on Friday after school so yeah sure, I'll go.' He smiled as I closed my locker after putting away my stuff. We started walking off to the car park, until I heard my name being called by someone.

I turned around to see Austin making his way over to us. I smiled and waved.

'Hey Austin' I said

'Hey beautiful,' he said flirtatiously. I blushed slightly at his comment.

From the corner of my eye, I could see Brooklyn's face turn into an expression of pure hatred.

'And why are you here?' Brooklyn said, a hint of annoyance wrapped round his words.

Austin shrugged, and faced me, 'I just wanted to say that I loved your performance in dance today. You were good, real good.' I blushed at his comment and gave a small smile.

What is it with me and my shy manner? Honestly?

'Is that it? You know, you could've said that to her in the lesson instead of chasing us and rudely interrupting our conversation.' Brooklyn spat out. I frowned and his comment and turned to Austin with an apologetic expression on my face. He nodded before saying a quick goodbye and left.

I turned to Brooklyn, who looked a little bit more relaxed at the sight of Austin's retreating form.

'What was that?' I asked him, a frown on my face.

'What was what?' he asked innocently.

I gave him a flat look, 'Don't even bother going innocent with me Brooklyn. What was that?'

He huffed, 'Do you know that all he wants is to get into your pants? He was practically undressing you with his eyes while you were having that conversation with him.'

'So? As long as he doesn't make any sort of move to touch me, I really don't care. I know my limits Brooklyn.' I started to get annoyed.

Was he calling me a slut or something?

'No... I know you won't do anything like that... But still,' he said. I knew he couldn't come up with an excuse.

'So its alright if you could check me out like that at the shopping mall but Austin can't do it? What the hell Brooklyn?' I said. He honestly was confusing the shit out of me.

He sighed and ran his hands through his hair. 'Look I'm sorry I did that at Westfield. And can we just not talk about it?' I gave him a confused look. 'Please??'

I nodded, only because he said please. But I was still confused. I shook my head to get rid of my stupid thoughts and said goodbye to him, before making my way to my car.

I wanted to go home and have a long relaxing bath. I had a really long day and I just wanted it to get out of my system.

Well, that was the most interesting day of my life!

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