Chapter 26

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Shanaya's date dress.
Shanaya's POV :

'I love you' I heard. It was whispered softly to me, like as if I wasn't meant to hear it. But I did. Their breath fanned my left ear, sending shiers down my spine. I kept my eyes closed, not wanting to know who said that too me.

Was it Brooklyn? No, I must be dreaming. I mean, he hasn't even asked me if he wants to be his girlfriend, how would he say 'I love you' before that? Seriously, I'm over-thinking things. I must of thought I heard it but in fact, no one said it to me.

And then a yawn escapes my mouth. I open my eyes a tiny bit. They were instantly met with a strange looking room. That wasn't mine.

It was Brooklyn's.

And that's when things come tumbling back to me. I had slept with Brooklyn, AGAIN. Not literally slept with him, but I slept in the same bed as him. And currently, my head is on his chest.

My thoughts were broken as a phone was put in front of my face.

'You're awake!' Brooklyn said from behind me. I could see his delicious face on the phone screen. His hair was messy, making him look so cute. He had a bright smile on his face, making his face glow with happiness. I smiled as I turned round to meet his face.

'Morning.' I say sleepily, rubbing my eyes. I patted my hair down, incase it had gone a bit cocky. I have the tendency of moving a lot whilst sleeping, making my hair turn into a bush. I got off of Brooklyn and let him strtch out. Once my feet were firmly planted on the floor, I stretched out, making my hands touch the tips of my toes. That is what dance does to you, makes you flexible. My back was to Brooklyn as I stretched out. I turned round to see Brooklyn looking at me.

'What?' I asked once I realised he wasn't snapping out of hia gaze.

'Do you like to torture me?'

'What are you trying to say.'

'That the black laced panty of yours, fits your ass just right.' He said, staring at my ass.

Then I remebered. I was wearing Brooklyn's t-shirt, that ended well above mid thigh. And if I was stretching, he would probably have the best view of my ass. From the best angle. My face turned red from pure embrassment.

'Oops, sorry.' I said.

'Like I said last night Shanaya, it's only me here. You can show whatever you like in front of me.' He said, smirking. My jaw fell to the floor.

I grabbed one of his pillows and flung it at him, hard. It hit him right on the side of the head, making him fall over from his sitting position. I laughed.

'Pervert.' I giggled.

'Anything for you baby doll.' He said, winking at me. I laughed again, before heading over to the ensuite. Before I locked the door, I heard Brooklyn shout.

'By the way, tonight, I'm taking you out on a date.' He shouted. I mentally squealed.

Holy shit, yes!!

I jumped into the shower, happy as ever.


Once I was back into yesterday night's clothes, I went downstairs to the dining room. David, Victoria, my parents and my brother were already sitting on the table, having their breakfast.

'Morning darling! How was the night?' Victoria said.

I smiled, 'Morning to you too, and the night was great thanks.'

My brother gave me a sly grin, which I chose to ignore. I knew what he was thinking, and nothing of that sort happened. I sat down opposite to my brother and started to eat. Pancakes were served for breakfast. I had only taken one bite of my first pancake when Brooklyn walked into the room, placing his gorgeous ass next to mine.

'Morning everyone.' Brooklyn smiled pouring himself a glass of water. Everyone said their good mornings before Sid spoke up as Brooklyn drank his water.

'So Brooklyn, did you enjoy last night?' he sent sly grins towards both of us.

Brooklyn spat out his water, into his glass.

I choked on my pancake bite and had a coughing fit. My brother tried to surpress his laugh, and it came out as a constipated cough. And that made me choke and laugh at the same time. Brooklyn poured me a glass of water and patted my back. I glugged down the water, sighing.

'Dad, have you heard that Sid has girl-' I was cut off by Sid coughing overly to loud. I surpressed my laughter.

'What did you say Shanaya?'

'I said that Sid has a gi-' again, I was cut off by my idiotic brother. He sent me a glare, saying 'Don't you fucking dare tell them.' I sent him a sly grin.

'Nothing, dad. Nothing important.' I said. Sid visibly sighed in relief.

'Sometimes, I get really scared of you two.' Dad mumbled. The whole table burst out laughing, whilst Sid and I sent each other glares.

We finished breakfast and my family and I decided to leave.

'Thanks for having us for dinner and the night. We really appreciated it.' My mum said.

'Oh no problem! We loved having you here! Nice to see you all again. And please, come again soon. We'd love to have you here again!' Victoria said, smiljng brightly.

I seriously like her. She's so nice!

Before I left, Brooklyn whispered into my ear, 'Be ready by half 5. I'll come pick you up. Dress fancy-ish.'

I smiled at him before I left.

Guess I have my second date with the Beckham boy.


At 4, I decided to get ready. I had already washed my hair, making it damp so it was easy to handle. I left my hair down, with a a braid going down my left side. I put on my black v-neck dress. It had a gold belt going round the waist. I slipped on a pair of black and gold sandle heels. My makeup was simple: nude lip gloss, eye liner and mascara. My phone and makeup went into my black clutch. I put on my black trench coat on. Black and gold earrings and a black and gold bracelet cuff were my accessories.

I was done. I sat down at quarter past 5, on my couch in my living room. Sid walked into the room.

'Hey, where you going?'

'On a date with Brooklyn.'

'Cool, be back by 11. You have college tomorrow.' I nodded. 'I'm going back to the film school on Friday. I have to sort out all my stuff over the weekend.'

I gave him a sad smile. 'Ok.'

'Shanaya, you know I have to go. And plus, this is my last year. I finish earlier cause it's my last year. And, I'll be here for our birthdays. I've got a longer holiday for that.' I smiled.

Our birthdays were 16 days apart. His was on the 16th of January whilst mine was 2nd February. Although, there was a 3 year age difference between us.

'And then, I'll be back for Easter. And my year ends in June. So you'll see a lot of me, don't worry.' He said, ploppung down next to me. I gave him a hug.

'I'll miss you Sid.' I said.

'I'll miss you too sis.' He said. A car honked outside. 'You better go before Brooklyn gets impatient.'

I laughed and nodded.

'Be back by 11!' He shouted as I closed the door.

Here we go...

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