Chapter 24

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Shanaya's outfit for the dinner.

Shanaya's POV :

The rest of the week went as normal. Nothing amazing or out of the normal happened. Brooklyn and I were doing good. We hadn't gone on a date after our first one I had planned, but we were hoping to go on another one soon.

On Saturday, my family and I were invited for dinner round the Beckham house. I was really excited.

I put on something nice. Not something overly too dressed up or formal, but something cute yet casual. I put on a black sleeveless top, baby pink jeans and blazer. I got out my plain black heels. My make up was fuss free and simple: baby pink lip gloss, eye liner and mascara. My make-up and phone went into my black purse. Black studded earrings and a ring were my accessories. My hair was put into a side plait, with a lot of strands coming out.


We arrived at the Beckham mansion at half 7. We stepped out and were instantly welcomed by a smiling Victoria.

'So nice to see you all!' She smiled.

My brother, who actually made an effort to come, introduced himself. My mum too, did the same.

We walked into the house, being led by Victoria. David was sitting in the living room, watching a football match. As soon as he saw us, he stood up and welcomed us.

'So nice to see you all!' He said.

My mother and brother introduced themselves again. We all sat down on the couch, talking to one another. Brooklyn came downstairs with Harper in his arms. Romeo and Cruz followed.

'Shanaya!' Harper said. I smiled.

'Hey Harper!' I squealed.

Brooklyn let her go, and she scurried towards me. I picked her up and placed her on my laps.

'How you doing Harp?'

'Good.' She said, giving me a toothy smile. Her front teeth were missing, which was so adorable.

Brooklyn plonked his ass next to me, kissing me on the cheek whilst no one was looking. I blushed.

'You're looking amazing, as always.' He whispered into my ear. His breath tickled my ear, making me giggle whilst blushing.

'Hey Shanaya!' Cruz said, waving at me.

'Hi Cruz.' I said, smiling back.

'Shanaya, hey.' Romeo said, sending me a flirtatious smile. I rolled my eyes but smiled.

'Hello to you too Romeo.' I said playfully. He smirked.

His smirk was exactly like Brooklyn's. Lord help me.

We continued to chat a little, until it was time for dinner. We sat down at their huge table, eating. It was Italian pasta.

God, keep feeding me this food, and trust me, I'll never complain again.

Afterwards, we had dessert. Ice cream. I chose my favourite: mint chocolate chip. As soon as I had ordered that, Brooklyn looked at me with a weird expression on his face.

'Seriously, mint chocolate chip?'

'How dare you say anything against that flavour! It's my favourite!' I exclaimed, faking a heart person by placing my hand over my heart.

He smirked, 'At least I'm the normal one out of us two.'

'Oh please, vanilla? I hate vanilla! It's so boring and tasteless! Seriously, everytime I'm forced to have it, I feel sick!' I said.

He just laughed at me, shaking his head from side to side.

Our ice creams arrived, and I devoured mine. There was extra chocolate syrup on mine, making it taste so good.

After dinner, we left the dining room for the living room. We stayed for another hour or so before deciding to leave.

We opened the front door to leave, only to be confronted by fierce wind and pelting rain. Thunder was rumbling above our heads. I scurried back in, not wanting to get wet.

'Seriously, this stupid storm had to be now?' I screech, fixing my now wet hair.

'I think you better stay. Your house is quite a while from here and it's not safe to drive in such a bad weather condition.' David said.

My parents first disagreed, but when lightning striked, they reluctantly agreed. The Beckham house had two more rooms. My parents took one whilst my brother took the other. And I was left without a room.

'Shanaya, you can sleep with Brooklyn.' Victoria said.

'What?!' Brooklyn and I screech at the same time.

Victoria cringed and rephrased her sentence, 'Sorry, came out the wrong way. You can sleep in Brooklyn's room. He has a sofa bed in his room which you can sleep on. Sorry we don't have enough space.'

'No that's fine. I'll sleep wherever there's space. Even if it has to be in someone's room.' I said. I deliberately left out Brooklyn's room, hoping she would give me one of the younger children'sroom to sleep in.

'Brooklyn is the only one that has a sofa bed. Otherwise, there's the couch in the living room, which I'm not letting a guest sleep on. That's not respectful enough.' Victoria said.

I was about to say something but she left me no space to argue.

'Ok' i said, huffing.

Brooklyn was smiling from ear to ear.

That idiot.

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