Chapter 35

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Shanaya's POV :

I woke up on Friday, rubbing my eyes. I was still in my clothes from yesterday's date with Brooklyn.

I got out of bed, and waddled to my ensuite. I took a shower and got dressed in comfy clothes. College wasn't on today, for some reason. I pulled on my whitish grey sweatpants and black sweatshirt. Being indoors, I shoved my feet into my unicorn slippers. I smiled at the sight of them.

Unicorns were my favourite imaginary amimal. To me, they symbolised happiness as well as uniqueness.

I galloped down the stairs to find my brother sitting in the living room. With suitcases all around him.

He was leaving for his film school today. And would probably be back for Christmas and New Year.

The smile on my face fell off as I walked slowly over to him.

'Hey Sid.' I half whispered. He gave me a small smile and pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back, trying my best not to cry.

Since birth, my brother and I were close. We never hid anything from each other and trusted each other more than ourselves. Everytime I had a problem and needed comforting, Sidharth was always there for me. Even for the most awkward things, like the time when I first got my period when I was 12, he was the first person to know. I still remembered that day when I ran into his room, crying about how unfair it was. He awkwardly comforted me, even though he knew nothing about it. I mean, he was 15 then for crying out loud! Imagine if your sister comes crying to you, moaning and complaining about her period.

Talk about awkward.

I giggled at the memory and pulled back from the hug.

'What you laughing at?' my brother said, looking at me.

'I remembered the day when I was 12 and first got my period and ran to you for comfort.' I giggled.

My brother turned pink at the memory, 'God, that was the most awkwardest day of my life! I mean, come on, I was 15! How do you think a 15 year teenaged boy was meant to act like when he found out his baby sister started her period?! And came to him for comfort!' He cried, uncomfortable with the memory.

I laughed. 'I know but you know you were like the only person at home at that time and I just wanted comfort.'

'Shanaya, you can always cometo me when you need someone to talk too. I will always be there.'he said, giving me a small smile.

'But you won't be here after you leave tonight!' I complained.

'But there's always the phone. AndI only live on the opposite side of London. Sort of.' Hegrinned sheepishly.

His filmschool was onthe outskirts of London, on the opposite side of London. It would probably take two hours to get there, not to mention the amount of traffic on the way there.

I huffed. 'I guess, but still, you won't be here by my side.'

'Shay, I won't always be by your side, even though I want to be. You need a way of comforting yourself or find another person's shoulder to lean on.' He spoke wise words. I nodded my head, agreeing with his words.

I needed to fend for myself in this big bad world. I will have family and friends by myside to comfort me, but not always.

'So why did you come so early on Wednesday? What happened cause I swear I saw tears in your eyes and you didn't come out of your room the whole of that day until Thursday morning. Tell me what happened?' My brother asked, concern filled in his eyes.

I breathed in deeply. 'On Wednesday, I went to college and I could instantly tell something was off. People stared at me and whispered whenever I passed. At lunch, I entered the canteen and people started calling me a prostitute and a load of other things. Apparently, they had evidence of me being one as well but I didn't look at it. I ran away andcame straight home. Their words were really harsh and I couldn't handle it.' I whispered, trying badly not to cry. But a tear betrayed me, slipping down my cheek.

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