Chapter 43

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Shanaya's outfit for the dinner.

Shanaya's POV :

It had weeks since the incident at lunch. It was now Christmas Eve and I was spending it with Brooklyn's family. My family was joining me too. Ever since Brooklyn and I started dating, my family had become really good friend's with Brooklyn's. Sid even invited his girlfriend over to the dinner. We were sleeping round their house after having a fancy dinner.

I was wearing, my cream and red dress with gold glittery heels. A pearled bracelet was around my wrist. My make-up was normal but a swipe of red lipstick was on my lips. My nails were painted red to match my dress. I put my necessities in my red Coco Chanel purse. I quickly grabbed my fluffy cream cardigan and slipped it on before leaving with my family and Sid's girlfriend for Brooklyn's house. We had their presents already packed in the cars, ready to put under their tree.

As we arrived at the gates of the Beckham house, we could see the crowd of paparazzi standing outside, trying to get a glimpse of the Beckham family or anyone entering their house. The security guards moved them aside, letting our cars through the gates. The whole time, cameras were flashing, taking pictures of us.

We walked to the front door and it flung open, revealing a very excited looking Victoria.

'Welcome! Please, come in from the cold.' She said, gesturing us in. We followed her into their living room. We set the presents under their huge Christmas tree, ready to be opened tomorrow morning.

David, Romeo, Cruz and Harper came in as soon as we had put down the presents.

'Shanaya!' 6 year old Harper shreeked excitedly.

'Hey princess! How ya doing?' I asked, picking her up and placing her on my hip.

'Good. Are those presents all for me!?' She asked, looking down at the many presents.

'Yes they are. But you can't open them until tomorrow morning. And plus, Santa still has to add his present for you. Are you excited?' I asked.

'Yes! I asked Santa if I could have a new jewellery set. I hope he gives me it, I've been a good girl this year.' She said, giving me a toothy grin, her top left tooth missing.

I smiled and put her down. I greeted David, and Cruz.

'Hi Romeo.' I said, smiling at the 15 year old in front of me.

'Hey gorgeous.' He said flirtatiously. He gave me a charming smile, the same one like Brooklyn's. It must be in their genes.

I rolled my eyes as he flirted with me. He did this everytime we met.

'Stop flirting with her you dweed. She's older than you by nearly 3 years and she's my girlfriend.' Brooklyn's voice piped in from the door of the living room.

I looked away from Romeo to my boyfriend. My mouth went dry at the sight of him. He was standing there in a black jumper over a white shirt and faded grey jeans. His feet had on black sneakers. His brown hair was gelled up as usual and swept to the side.

God, he looked delicious. How can someone look so beautiful?

He smirked when he saw me checking at him, only for it to be taken off his face. His eyes went up and down my body, soaking everything in that was on me. All I did was stand their awkwardly, blazing red. His mouth slightly hung open at my outfit, making me smirk.

After chatting for a while, we decided to have dinner. We continued our conversations.

'So Shanaya, when you're birthday?' David asked.

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