Chapter 10

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The pics aboce are the clothes that both Shanaya ad Brooklyn model. Shanaya model the blue one first then the red one along with Brooklyn modeling the one in the middle.

Brooklyn's POV:

It was Sunday, the day after the party. I woke up after my dream about Shanaya. I had been getting these dream about her ever since the day I met her at the mall. She would sneak into my dreams without me knowing. And it was driving me crazy.

I had a photo shoot today. So I got ready. I had a cold shower first. I've been having far too many recently, thanks to Shanaya.

See, there I go again, thinking about her. Seriously???!!

I brushed my teeth and left my hair in its mess. I didn't have time. I changed quickly into a shirt and jeans and then went downstairs.

Dad was sitting at the table, feeding Harper. Romeo and Cruz were no where to be seen. Probably still sleeping.

'Morning Brook' my dad said, feeding Harper her food.

'Morning dad' I said as I kissed Harper on the forehead. I loved my sister, she was so cute and innocent. Just like Shanaya.

Oh my God, here I go again!

'What are you on about son? What's going on in that mind of yours?' my dad asked.

Oh shit, did I say that out loud!? Hhhmmm... maybe I'll ask him. He may give me some useful advice.

'Dad, I've got this girl stuck in my head and she won't come out. I keep thinking about her 24x7.' I whined.

My dad looked at me confused before smiling. 'Is that a thing to be happy about or annoyed?'


My dad laughed.

'I'm serious dad, Shanaya won't come out of my mind!'

'Oh so it's that girl. I admit, she is a pretty girl.' he paused, 'Do you like her?'

'Maybe' I said quietly. But my dad heard it and smiled his large smile.

'Then why don't you tell her?'

'Because I'm scared that she might reject me. I mean she made it quite clear that she doesn't want to get into a relationship with someone like me.'

'What do you mean like someone like you, you're good?'

'Someone like me as in a player dad. She thinks I'm a player which technically I am. Well was.' I huffed.


'Yeah. I haven't really flirted with a girl since the last week or so. Since I met Shanaya. Unless you count Shanaya, I haven't flirted with anyone else.'

'Well, that shows that you like her. And I'm sure, if she likes you back, she'll tell you as well. Most girls are shy when it comes to sharing feelings so usually, the guy has to ask or tell first.' he said. I nod. I finished my breakfast and say goodbye to Harper and dad.

'Brooky, where you going?' my baby sister asks. She looks adorable when she's confused, just like Shanaya.

Oh shit, there I go again.

I smile at my sister, 'I'm going somewhere important Harpy, I'll be back soon. And I'll get you a treat if you want.' I said, kissing her forehead. My sister smiled and nodded her head.

'Bye dad, Harper' I said, leaving the dining room.

'Bye' they said together. I grabbed my leather jacket and get into my car. I drove to the place of my photo shoot.

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