Loving You Will Never Be A Mistake

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A/N: Just a heads up, Shadow will be a little ooc in the first part of this story, but hey, even The Ultimate Lifeform can be prone to depression sometimes, right? But don't worry, nothing bad happens as a result.

Shadow wasn't sure how much more of this he could take. He was The Ultimate Lifeform for crying out loud! He wasn't supposed to crumble under pressure, or let the opinions of others get to him.

But yet, here he was. Out in space, all alone on board the Space Colony Ark, and feeling absolutely miserable.

Things had been going so well for him too! When had it all gone wrong?

Shadow knew.

The day he and Sonic came out as a couple.

They had kept it a secret for a while, both agreeing that with Sonic being a world famous hero, and with Shadow having started off working for Eggman, that it would be better to prove to everyone Shadow had truly changed sides first so that nobody would think it was a trick to gain Sonic's trust.

So, that's what they did.

Though it wasn't easy. What with the press either constantly bothering Sonic about whether or not he and the pink brat were together, or pinkie herself claiming they were on a date whenever the two were spotted in public together.

Words couldn't describe how much Shadow wanted to rip her apart whenever he saw her clinging to his boyfriend. But, he held himself back so as to not cause a scene and make everyone think that he was indeed evil. He wasn't! Just misguided. Losing his memory wasn't his fault!

Eventually though, they were forced to come out to everyone, when they were seen just casually spending time together in the park.

They hadn't planned to of course, but everyone was throwing rapid fire questions non stop at the two hedgehogs about why they weren't fighting or competing in a race as rivals usually did, and kept pestering them about it before they could even attempt to leave.

Sonic had glanced at Shadow, and after a moment's hesitation, he nodded back. Sonic then took Shadow's hand, and turned to the crowd of Mobians and humans. Stating proudly that they were no longer rivals, but boyfriends now, and had been for a while actually.

And there was a mix of different reactions from the crowd after they heard that.

Some were positive, some were shocked and weirded out, others somewhat indifferent. But a good many were horrified.

They started saying things like how could Sonic cheat on Amy? Nevermind the fact that he had clearly said they were never together in the first place.

Other things were said, like how Shadow didn't deserve Sonic, that he was a hybrid freak who was only using him, and other threats were made from jealous fangirls who were angry that Sonic had chosen Shadow over them.

Shadow wasn't normally one to care what others thought of him, but even so, he couldn't help but flinch back at all the negativity sent his way.

He knew that he had done some terrible things in the past, but he was different now! He just wanted to live in peace with the hedgehog he loved. Why couldn't anyone understand that?

Of course, Sonic snapped back in his defense, and told everyone that who he chose to be with was up to nobody but him, and that he had loved Shadow ever since they first met.

This seemed to shut the crowd up for the most part, but over the next few days, the hate didn't stop coming for the ebony hedgehog. Whether he was out in public, or just received it online. He could never get a break!

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