Two Worlds Apart, Joined by One Heart

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A/N: This is an idea that I came up with after reading similar plots for reader insert stories, and I just had to see it through.

(Human! Sonic x Normal! Shadow)

Sonic sighed dreamily as he watched his favorite show, or more specifically, his favorite character in the show, Shadow the Hedgehog, as he once again saved the Earth from a deadly threat.

The falling Space Colony Ark this time.

However, when it became clear that the ebony hybrid was quickly losing energy, and began losing his Super Form, Sonic became incredibly nervous.

He continued to watch, as Silver grabbed his arm, trying to get him back safely with him, but it didn't appear that Shadow wanted to be saved.

"Come on, Shadow! What are you waiting for?! Go with Silver to get back to the Ark already, and rest!" He begged, though he knew Shadow obviously couldn't hear him. "If you don't, you'll-"

But the rest of his sentence died in his throat, as he watched Shadow completely lose his beautiful golden color, slip out from one of his Inhibitor Rings, and start falling down towards the Earth. Seemingly at peace with this because it meant he'd kept his promise to Maria, and would get to see her again.

But that didn't mean he wanted Shadow to die!

"No! Don't give up Shadow! You're still needed!!" He cried, tears filling his eyes when the scene then changed to the Ark's doors opening, revealing a tired and saddened ivory hedgehog.

"Silver, where's Shadow?" Rouge asked anxiously. But the futuristic hedgehog only shook his head sadly, holding out the Inhibitor Ring that the hybrid had left behind.

"No..." Sonic whispered, the tears beginning to stream down his face, as he watched the bat take the ring, and look at it sadly. The others all remaining silent out of respect.

A few more things were said as the episode came to an end, but Sonic couldn't focus on what they were. His heart feeling as if it were cracking in half.

How could Sega do this?! Shadow was the main character, and a fan favorite! He was Sonic's favorite! He didn't deserve that fate! What would happen without him?!

"Sonic? Are you ready to go yet? The track meet starts in twenty minutes!" Sonic heard his mom call up to him, and even though he didn't want to, he got up and called back, trying to make his voice sound normal.

"Y-Yeah, mom! I'll be there in a minute!"

"Okay, dear. Sonia and Manic are already in the car, and I'm heading out there now. Come out as soon as you're ready!" She replied. And a second later, Sonic heard the front door close.

Pausing the next episode before it could start, Sonic wiped his tears away, not wanting his family to know he'd been crying over a cartoon character, grabbed his sports bag, and hurried out the door.


Shadow waited until the indication that the episode was over, before swimming back up to the surface of the ocean, and pulling himself into the waiting boat. Where Rouge immediately handed him a towel.

"Are you okay, Hun? I know you're The Ultimate Lifeform and everything, but that fall still had to hurt." She stated worriedly.

Shadow shrugged.

"It wasn't too bad. See? I'm already healing." He replied, showing the bat his scorched fur that was currently shedding to reveal his usual silky black and red coat. "But did you see his reaction? I couldn't since, you know, I had to act like I passed out."

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