You Complete Me

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A/N: Buckle up and get comfortable, this is the longest One Shot I've ever written.

It turned out to be a lot longer than I initially planned for it to be, but I don't mind. It's a good one in my opinion, and I had a lot to cover when writing it.

Get ready for another Soulmate AU, but this time one that I made up. In this one, everybody is missing a part of themselves like their voice, sight, hearing, smell, touch, or taste, and they can't gain said sense until they kiss their destined partner for the first time.

["..."] = Sign Language

Bold text = Mechanical voice talking

The front door to the apartment slammed shut with a click, as Shadow threw his jacket on the couch, before heading into the kitchen.

He was exhausted after a busy day, and all he wanted to do now was kick back with a cold drink, and listen to some music, or take a nap.

Unfortunately however, his friend and roommate had other ideas.

"Hey, Hun! I was wondering when you'd be back." Rouge stated, making her way into the room. "You know I set up that date for you this evening, and you should be getting ready for it now."

This was one time of many where Shadow wished he could tell her off, but couldn't due to being mute.

So instead, he just glared, and flipped her off before turning away.

"Uh, rude!" The bat exclaimed, faking irritation. Though in reality, she wasn't phased. This was just Shadow being Shadow after all. "Come on, Handsome. I'm just trying to help you find your Soulmate so that you can finally talk. Don't you want to find your special someone, and gain your voice?"

Hearing that, the ebony agent turned back to look at the bat.

["I've told you multiple times already, Rouge. I don't care if I'm ever able to talk or not, and I don't want a Soulmate! Even if I did, who would want to be with someone like me? I'm a scientifically engineered lifeform, capable of mass destruction, and far too busy to entertain a relationship. Now leave me alone!"] He signed, his signature scowl in place as always.

"Shadow, that isn't true! Yes, you were created in a lab, but that doesn't make you any less deserving of a Soulmate than anyone else! I can say without a doubt that when Knuckles and I found each other, it was the best thing to ever happen to me, and he agrees. And not only because we gained our missing senses, but because we make each other feel complete and happy. I just want the same for you too." Rouge replied, her ears lowering.

That caused Shadow to pause, as he thought over his roommate's words. But he eventually shook his head.

["I know you're only trying to help, but I don't need it. I've never needed anyone before, and I don't now. I'm perfectly fine with just Maria, Omega, and you in my life."] He signed with a blank expression.

"So you really aren't bothered by not being able to talk for the rest of your life, then?" Rouge asked incredulously, placing a hand on her hip. "Not only would you be much happier with your Soulmate, but think about how much easier it would be to communicate with people! Not everyone understands sign language you know."

But the dark hedgehog only rolled his eyes with a sigh.

["Yes. I'm telling you, Rouge. I don't care! I don't believe in Soulmates, let alone that supposedly kissing them once you find each other will allow you to gain the sense that you're missing."] He replied harshly.

"But just the other day, I saw you tell Maria-" Rouge began, only for Shadow to interrupt her.

["I know what I told her, but I wasn't about to crush her dreams, Rouge! I'd never! Maria has dreamed about finding her Soulmate her whole life, so I'd rather die before upsetting her with my own lack of belief! Now if you'll excuse me, I want to get some rest before I have to get up tomorrow. She and I have plans to go on a nature walk through a new trail, and I refuse to oversleep. Now please go tell whoever you're trying to set me up with that I'm not interested."]

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